Dandy yearling or average 2 year old?


5 year old buck +
Opinions on his age?

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I vote yearling too
Ditto, hide him in the back 40 for the next 2 years.
1.5 up and comer
1.5yr old, skinny neck. Is that from the Cudde Capture?
1.5yr old, skinny neck. Is that from the Cudde Capture?
It is. They are probably my oldest cameras but they keep producing and are reliable. Better than the new cuddebacks.

Everyone confirmed my thoughts. First Look I assumed he was 2 years olds based solely on his antlers but after a few more pics he sure looks young.
I say 1.5. Cut his ear so you know which one he is next year.
Yearling w/ potential
I have never heard the term "Dandy Yearling"

Its a yearling...........wow!
I have seen some farm country yearlings look like that. An easy winter and a good growing season can do that. Or a feeder.

In the northwoods, you do not see yearlings like that.