Daily Show/Peta Video

You can't make this stuff up.
Check out the documentary Blackfish - The Whale That Killed for more of the story on the whales. Pretty sad story of how they were snatched from the wild.
blackfish is a wild show. Tillacum. that fish is a cold blooded killer... Classic case of I am not performing good enough??? That fish went postal, literally. Not many things attack great white sharks. People think Sharks are the ultimate predator?? they are called killer whales for a reason..
blackfish is a wild show. Tillacum. that fish is a cold blooded killer... Classic case of I am not performing good enough??? That fish went postal, literally. Not many things attack great white sharks. People think Sharks are the ultimate predator?? they are called killer whales for a reason..
Have you ever seen them hunt seals in a pack? It is unreal. The best orchestrated deer drive would have nothing on them.