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D@mn tick ruined my hunt!

The tests on the tick for Lyme are very unreliable according to some. . if the tick wasn’t engorged then it probably wasn’t attached long enough to transmit anything anyways. They do have measurement charts that they can compare and give an idea on how long the tick was attached. Also, if you’re already doing antibiotics you will be fine as they are very effective. Some doctors also prescribe ivermectin believe it or not along with the antibiotics. I think you’ve done everything you could at this point and remember only a small percent of ticks actual carry Lyme. Keep us posted
I hate deer keds. I've had them on me in Finland. If you find a moose bedding area you'll know it by the sudden swarm of keds flying around and landing on you. Luckily they rarely bite people, but they sure give me the heebie jeebies when they land on me.
I didn't want to start a new thread so I am hijacking this one for some startling info I ran across today. A tick bite can make you allergic to meat 🤯 This is a new thing, the first cases were in 2009 here in the US, if I was a conspiracy guy (and I am) I would speculate that this was crafted in a lab by the treehuggers (I am also a treehugger.. well sort of lol) to "stop the innocent slaughter" of delicious critters. Thought I would share to raise awareness is all.

Yes I know a guy that got that and at first it felt like he wanted to throw up when he ate red meat.I have had lyme and rocky mountain spotted fever. Luckily meds took care of it and my wife and 1 daughter has had rocky mountain.I am trying some tick gators this year to see if they help.As much as I hate getting the ticks this time of year I think I hate late summer when you will get 500 on each leg that are baby ticks.I get most of them off with duck tape.
Yes I know a guy that got that and at first it felt like he wanted to throw up when he ate red meat.I have had lyme and rocky mountain spotted fever. Luckily meds took care of it and my wife and 1 daughter has had rocky mountain.I am trying some tick gators this year to see if they help.As much as I hate getting the ticks this time of year I think I hate late summer when you will get 500 on each leg that are baby ticks.I get most of them off with duck tape.


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Pick up a bottle of Martins 10% permethrin. I believe you mix it 19 parts water to one part permethrin, but confirm that. Hang your pants and shirts and spray them, and let them dry fully. Some people get severe reactions to the spray if it gets on their skin. My brother in law sprayed it on his pants while wearing them, a few days later it looked like he had rolled around in poison ivy. However, It will keep the ticks off. I was working side by side with another guy and he was pulling ticks off non stop while I had now. Lots of YouTube videos on mixing it up.
I pulled one off my waist and three off my shirt yesterday doing some spraying. I’ve had 4-5 embedded this year already. I swear they are gonna take over the world at this rate.
I've sprayed that stuff on my clothes and see the ticks on me still. Had one time after pheasant hunting I put my clothes in the wash, then the dryer and saw ticks still alive in the dryer.

Some camp members think they saw a tick or two once at camp. Think their dog had it on them. Haven't seen a tick on me or on harvested deer in the adk's. Although I quarter the animal right away and get it in a cooler.

Overall, I do not pheasant hunt anymore due to ticks. I mow the paths I take to my AG field spots. I do not squirrel hunt until we get a few frosts. I have focused more on fishing. I also wander during the late muzzleloader season. However, I enjoy muzzleloading as a hobby too, so I could lean that way. Any NY guy should take full advantage on the PA flintlock season in january.

When I got in tick alley, everything is tucked in. I use those shirts with the little breathing holes to keep long sleeves on me. At the AG field spot, i strip down and do a full change on clothing after doing season prep work.
The permethrin spray is questionable for ticks does seem to at least help with chiggers in my experience.
I am also in NY, I get ticks all the time bud and there are 2 methods I use.

1) I use a water bottle cap (or something of similar size) and fill it with dish soap or vegetable oil and flip it over on the tick so the soap or oil completely covers it. Ticks use "gills" to breath and when they can't breath, they release and drown in the liquid. Water does not seem to work for some reason, I am assuming it's because there is oxygen in H2O but unsure.

2) just grab that sucker and pull. I have bought all kinds of "miracle tick remover" type tweezers and none of them get the mouth out in my experiences.

A tick must bite something that has Lyme, then release, then attach to the next host to give the 2nd host Lyme disease. If a tick lays eggs Lyme isn't passed on to the young, they must latch onto something that has Lyme to get it. If you know ticks you know they don't release willingly so I am assuming they would only detach from the host to lay eggs but I am speculating there. In our situation we would kill a deer and the ticks on that deer would have to detach and then be looking for a 2nd host.

A tick has to bite and stay latched on for roughly 24 hours before it can give the new host Lyme (allegedly). I don't understand why, but that is what "they" say.
The years ago my wife and I were working in the garden. When we came in she found a tick on her. I removed it (total elapsed time from attachment to removal no more than two hours). That evening she had the dreaded bullseye mark of Lyme disease. As the doctor noted, generally it takes 24 hours, but sometimes sooner. In this case, it was much sooner.
Permethrin , no exposed skin, multiple under layers. Tape around your boots.
Wife and I live on our property in North Florida, both love the outdoors that surround our place, so quite commonly find ticks on us (even though we also regularly try and take precautions).

Pulled a tick out of my freaking belly button just earlier this week after turkey hunting.

Lone star ticks are the tick we find on us the most... they're small but easily identifiable due to white dot in center of their backs, and unfortunately they're the one that transfer the alpha-gal molecule that leads to mammalian meat allergies.

Last year my wife cooked two absolutely delicious steaks up for us to enjoy. We ate them around 7pm. Fast forward to 1am, and she wakes me up telling me she's pretty sure she's having an alpha-gal reaction. Crazy how strong of a reaction she had... feet and hands were beet red and she had welts on her arms, legs, and torso that she said itched much worse than anything she'd ever experienced (and she's a dermatologist so ironically she's always preaching to others not to scratch varying maladies). We had an old epi-pen at the house kept in the event that any family or friends might ever have some allergic reaction while visiting), but thankfully her breathing never became an issue and after several hours the reaction started to abate.

We then both did tons of reading-up on alpha gal syndrome, and it's kind of crazy the amount of variability that people experience with it... some can't eat ANY mammalian products at all, with severe reactions from even chicken sausage if the sausage has pork-gut casing. Others can tolerate more lean mammalian meats while not being able to tolerate fattier meats, as alpha gal is found in much higher concentrations in fat-- blessedly my wife tolerates ground deer meat we both love without any issue. Studies also show some for some people the allergy is temporary while for others it is more permanent.

All of the above shared, one of the hallmark signs of the allergy is a DELAYED ALLERGIC REACTION OF 3 TO 6 HOURS which makes it very different than most other allergies which often are nearly instantaneous. Anyone on the forum reading this ever has a mysterious allergic reaction hours after a meal, might want to consider alpha-gal as a possible suspect.
I didn't want to start a new thread so I am hijacking this one for some startling info I ran across today. A tick bite can make you allergic to meat 🤯 This is a new thing, the first cases were in 2009 here in the US, if I was a conspiracy guy (and I am) I would speculate that this was crafted in a lab by the treehuggers (I am also a treehugger.. well sort of lol) to "stop the innocent slaughter" of delicious critters. Thought I would share to raise awareness is all.

So since your a conspiracy guy. My wife picked up a book at a rummage a few years back written by Jesse Ventura about conspiracies in America. There is a very interesting story about lymes. Lymes disease is named after a town in Connecticut, Lyme. ( the first place it was discovered). Three miles of the shore of lyme, Connecticut is a island that the government has a lab on . It's supposed to be used by the CDC I believe to learn about fighting/ finding cures for various diseases. The conspiracy is that ticks escaped from this lab and made it to shore..I guess the ticks in Connecticut with lymes were not even native to the area. It was said the nazis were studying a way to use ticks for biological warfare. They thought if the were bit that the disease would make the soliders to weak to fight. Alot of the stories in the book were to far fetched for me, but this one I could kind of believe.
Took the doctor 10 minutes to dig that piece out. He said you gotta get it all out to help with infection. Now I'm on 2 weeks of antibiotics.
I guess everyone deals with stuff differently. I spray my clothes and try not to get ticks, but it happens. When I get one I yank it off and go on...
So since your a conspiracy guy. My wife picked up a book at a rummage a few years back written by Jesse Ventura about conspiracies in America. There is a very interesting story about lymes. Lymes disease is named after a town in Connecticut, Lyme. ( the first place it was discovered). Three miles of the shore of lyme, Connecticut is a island that the government has a lab on . It's supposed to be used by the CDC I believe to learn about fighting/ finding cures for various diseases. The conspiracy is that ticks escaped from this lab and made it to shore..I guess the ticks in Connecticut with lymes were not even native to the area. It was said the nazis were studying a way to use ticks for biological warfare. They thought if the were bit that the disease would make the soliders to weak to fight. Alot of the stories in the book were to far fetched for me, but this one I could kind of believe.
Lyme Connecticut was the first case verified to have the new disease we now call Lyme disease, there were others before that but Dr's didn't know what it was. They think a tick was attached to a bird that flew to the shores of Conn but really it could have hitchhiked many different ways including on a human. But that story is true, we only got transparency decades later through things like FOIA requests that revealed hints in redacted classified documents from the U.S. Army Chemical Corps divisionas a component of its biological warfare program on Plum Island. Yet still today you can find current articles stating " NO Lyme disease wasn't invented in a lab". Sound familiar? :) If you are anywhere near Conn. it isn't questionable, they just know it is true, and is where I first heard about it at a bar on the beach in Lyme Connecticut.

Regarding the ticks that make humans allergic to meat, diseases don't just evolve naturally to this level without purpose and historically they evolve to create better hosts not weaker ones. I could rant for hours on this topic but won't waste your time on a long post. If you know the history of the US Government and diseases there is an obvious pattern of doing this, the most recent is AIDS, Bird Flu and Covid. At this point it is pretty common knowledge that Covid came from the Wuhan Lab in China, it isn't a conspiracy theory and the corruption that followed should show more Americans how badly they want to take your Constitutional freedoms and control you. Fauci in recent interviews broke from his long standing record of "there is no evidence of Covid being engineered in a lab" - to - "about 50% of the people involved felt from the beginning that it came from the Wuhan Lab but didn't I want to create vaccine hesitancy". It was common knowledge early on that Covid was most effecting old, obese and weakened immune system people yet Cuomo (and 4 other Democrat ran states) put recovering Covid patients in nursing homes? Intentional.

I'll stop there :)
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I guess everyone deals with stuff differently. I spray my clothes and try not to get ticks, but it happens. When I get one I yank it off and go on...
Lol, same here. Come to Oklahoma for early season archery hunts...there's been multiple times I've thought I felt a tick crawling on me, and on closer inspection, found hundreds of seed ticks crawling all over me and my clothes. It'll make a man strip down in the woods, shake out your clothes real good, check for ticks on your skin, then put them back on and go on with the hunt.
I'm not sure if chiggers can give you a disease like ticks, but chiggers are the worst!