Crimson clover and WR foodplots


5 year old buck +
Just some pictures of my food plots. This is Crimson clover and WR.



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Beautiful. I've never planted Crimson but always thought I should just for the red flower.
The plots are full of honey bees working the clover. You can here them when you are approaching the plot.
was this a fall planted cereal mix?
It was planted in mid September. The deer kept it mowed down pretty good until spring hit and then they couldn't keep up with the growth.
I know you have a much earlier spring than we do but that is impressive growth.
Great positioning of the shooting house in the back too.
My son convinced me to build the shooting house there. After it was built, there were a lot of limbs and stuff in the way so I thought I had made a big mistake. I starting pruning and it turned out great. The deer never look up that way.
That's what I'm talking about right there!!! Beautiful stand of clover and rye. That should really pay off long term. Hope you get to put a Booner to rest over that area this fall.
Nice, I have the same combo but have more rye in mine than clover. Will adjust to hopefully look like yours next spring.

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Plot looks great!
Plot looks great!
Thanks. I was worried whether it was still being utilized. I pulled my cameras this afternoon and have lots of deer on video. Bucks are starting to put on horns. I am wondering when the plot will stop being attractive. I am going to shallow till it under mid May and plant Buckwheat.

I don't think there is a more beautiful crop in the spring that this kind of mix with Crimson!
Great looking plot!
There's a bit of CC in the BOB clover mix I used last year!

My only regret is that's the only plot I put the clover down with the WR. The weeds had gotten away from me and I figured they'd all be a failure. Now it's the best looking plot of the 3 in this series! The other two will be getting some BOB clover and WR this fall!!
I think I seeded the clover to heavy. The WR seemed to be smothered out by the clover or the deer played havoc
on it. Nice plot Pointer
I think I seeded the clover to heavy. The WR seemed to be smothered out by the clover or the deer played havoc
on it. Nice plot Pointer

That is what you want in a perennial clover plot. The purpose of the WR is for attraction in the fall when it is planted, but then to nurse the clover crop until it overtakes the WR until it dies. With small plots and/or high deer density, it is not uncommon for deer to keep the WR trimmed for you and for the clover to overtake it.

Good Work,

you are about 2 weeks, maybe three ahead of me, saw my first buds on the cc this weekend. I put my ww, cc, and ptt in the fall blend, let it do its thing, then wait till after clover blooms its fool head off and under the disc it goes. great mix, nitrogen fix!
Paul Knox used to say WR goes with clover like peanut butter goes with jelly......

I found that to be true in east texas!
