

5 year old buck +
We planted our first crab apples at the farm back around the first of February. To my surprise they all bloomed this spring and I got a picture today from one of the guys that we actually have a couple of fruit on a couple of them. Question is, do the same rules apply that we should terminate the fruits for the first few years? Was not expecting to have fruit this year on what was a 4' whip in February.
I would pull fruit for sure. Maybe leave one if you want to see the results but young trees should put energy into roots and wood not fruit.
I'm no expert by any means, but from all I read, conventional wisdom is to remove fruit from young trees so the energy can go to putting on more wood. If planted for wildlife ( especially ), I'd remove the fruit and get the tree as big & tall as I could more quickly. 2 or 3 more years of growing will lead to a stronger tree and a better ability to hold some fruit. Again - I'm stating what I've learned from apple experts and veterans.

Ed just posted seconds ahead of me. He's a veteran apple grower.^^^^^^^^^
Thanks guys. Knew not to let other stuff fruit and assumed the same held for crabs but didn't remember reading anything specific to them. Put 6 crabs in this year and they all bloomed what I would call heavily. Didn't expect that after 30 days in the ground. It appears amending the holes in the ground we have makes a big difference. This years trees are really taking off compared to the first batch we planted last year in unlamented holes. All of last years trees made it though and are looking better this year.
At my camp, we always add aged mushroom compost to the hole and backfill. Our apples and crabs seem to take off from the start. FWIW.