Could news outlets become any more obviously biased?

You are the only one that says they are not communist. Even the media agrees they are communist. A pig by any other name is still a pig.

You believe the media now?

China's not communist. They are ruled by the "Chinese communist party", but they no longer have a communist economy. Cuba is communist.
You believe the media now?

China's not communist. They are ruled by the "Chinese communist party", but they no longer have a communist economy. Cuba is communist.
I dont believe a word they say. So the communist party runs the country but they are not it. I guess they can just vote them out next election, oh wait they can’t do that either. Call it what you want, they are communist, ask the people of Hong Kong what they call it.
Communism is an economic system. The party can call itself what they want. You think Antifa is actually anti-fascist?

I have a BA in Asian Studies. I lived in China for 5 years. I've been to Cuba and North Korea, among other places. I know communism when I see it. China is not a communist country. It is authoritarian, but not communist.
Communism is an economic system. The party can call itself what they want. You think Antifa is actually anti-fascist?

I have a BA in Asian Studies. I lived in China for 5 years. I've been to Cuba and North Korea, among other places. I know communism when I see it. China is not a communist country. It is authoritarian, but not communist.
You also said Xi didn’t appoint himself for life. I have a BA, I floated by Cuba, and I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night so I say communist.
You believe the media now?

China's not communist. They are ruled by the "Chinese communist party", but they no longer have a communist economy. Cuba is communist.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, yes China is a communist country, they use it in the example part of the definition of communism bud.

What countries are communist?

The countries of China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea are the existing countries typically identified as being communist.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, yes China is a communist country, they use it in the example part of the definition of communism bud.

What countries are communist?

The countries of China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea are the existing countries typically identified as being communist.

Vietnam's not communist either. They pretty much gave up on communism 10 years after the US left. The policy was called Doi Moi, and it was the official movement away from the failed communist policies implemented after reunification. Ten years later the US had an embassy in Hanoi. Last time I was in Vietnam my friend showed me his Mercedes, and I went to dozens of new cafes, restaurants, bars, and resorts. The internet is no longer filtered by the government, and Wi-Fi is available everywhere, even buses. There's an American university in Da Nang. Even foreigners are allowed to start businesses there. Does that sound communist to you?
You can debate it all you wish my friend, it doesn't make it so. I never look down on anyone's opinion.
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You can debate it all you wish my friend, it doesn't make it so. I never look down on anyone's opinion.

It's not my opinion. I'm telling you things that happened. You can google Doi Moi and read all about it. They don't even call themselves communist anymore.

Communism was never very important to the Vietnamese. They fought mostly for independence and reunification. Communism was just a vehicle. That's why it was so easy for them to abandon it.
It sounds much like when we call ourselves a democracy, but every school kid learns that we are actually a representative republic. I think that labels generally outlive their usefulness once they enter the general consciousness. "Commies" are more like a cartoon caricature now then a political system - a largely failed system that's been living the zombie life for decades. You know that for quite some time after the founding of the GOP in 1854, Republicans used to be equated with liberalism and Democrats were considered conservative? It's amazing how political ideology can morph.
It sounds much like when we call ourselves a democracy, but every school kid learns that we are actually a representative republic. I think that labels generally outlive their usefulness once they enter the general consciousness. "Commies" are more like a cartoon caricature now then a political system - a largely failed system that's been living the zombie life for decades. You know that for quite some time after the founding of the GOP in 1854, Republicans used to be equated with liberalism and Democrats were considered conservative? It's amazing how political ideology can morph.

.......kinda like CDC guidelines?

We like to use the word "evolve" lol!!
It's not my opinion. I'm telling you things that happened. You can google Doi Moi and read all about it. They don't even call themselves communist anymore.

Communism was never very important to the Vietnamese. They fought mostly for independence and reunification. Communism was just a vehicle. That's why it was so easy for them to abandon it.

They litterally call themselves the Chinese Communist Party. I have no shtick here, I am just saying what I know and read (no not from FOX news) and understand. Things are what they are, how is Hong Kong doing these days? Weird that they were waving American Flags and chanting positive things about our President then Covid happened and everyone was on lock down.
Just sayin bud, I am not here to argue but I do enjoy a good debate when people leave feelings out of it.
I already addressed that:

"Communism is an economic system. The party can call itself what they want. You think Antifa is actually anti-fascist?"

It's also called The People's Republic of China. Doesn't seem like it has the best interests of the people at heart.
I will try to get this thread back on topic and also combine it with the NFL thread. I read an article today about the NFL ratings being down. In trying to account for the 26% decrease from last week in ratings for the Sunday night game between the Patriots and Seahawks, the reporter stated "Competition likely played a role here, too. The 72nd annual Emmy Awards on ABC went up directly against “Sunday Night Football.” Really? The Emmy Awards drew viewers away from a football game? Does the media really expect people to believe that?
I'm sure it was an honest mistake. They would never intentionally put out false information because they are true professionals.
“An exchange [REDACTED] discussing US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server."

This is Brennan's hand written notes and the first of many insights of the prelude to Mueller and the Russian Collusion Delusion that the media is spinning into a big "nothing-burger" as usual.
Biased news... if you are watching you know that many major news outlets refused to even print a story about Hunters Laptop, Farcebook and Tweener Censored the entire story...banned peoples accounts for simply sharing it... so much for freedom of speech or expression. NPR calls it a "story that is not even a story" and instead of reporting about the story, they wrote a story explaining that they feel it is a politically driven made up story so they won't cover it... How many stories did they write on the Steele Dossier that as of today STILL isn't verified because it is garbage?

On Thursday, NPR's Samuels explained to readers that the Hunter Biden laptop story is a waste of their time and they don't need to look into it.

"We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don't want to waste the listeners' and readers' time on stories that are just pure distractions," Samuels said. "And quite frankly, that's where we ended up, this was ... a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way."

They would gladly report on anything Trump so long as it makes him look bad, whether credible or not, usually with nothing more than a whimsical "unidentified anonymous source" and 6 months later we find out it has no merit at all but the court of public opinion already made its judgement.

Anything in the news about Sudan, Isreal, and possible landmark agreements with Arab countries? Or is that all a big nothingburger and politically driven nonsense that isn't worth reporting?

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