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Our lovely liberal town of Skaneateles where all the rich people of our county live on “Their Lake” have closed the only public swimming area due to covid. They site a gathering over Fourth of July where there were many swimmers without masks on. They say due to this gathering which “could have lead to unconfirmed cases of covid” can’t be allowed to happen again. They are locking out the rest of the county peasants from “Their Lake” because those poor unmasked people could have brought some corona with them. Mind you they have no proof that they did. If you don’t think this is being politicized at every level you are crazy. A bunch of rich residents found a way to keep their lake all to themselves. Meanwhile, I am at a place that needs the swimming area for the government survival so there are thousands of people swimming with no masks.
Found a good read this evening recapping many other historical events that were also supposed to wipe out mankind. Kinda fun to go back and see how accurate agenda science has been.

Radon, peak oil, bird flu, global cooling, air pollution, global warming, swing flu, overpopulation, topsoil, ocean fisheries, milk, polar bears, Sars, melting center ice caps, the ozone layer, eggs, hurricanes, west nile, SUVs, acid rain, and coffee. We've been ten years from extinction since 1970.


I fact checked this. It’s being reported by ABC, NBC of all things News week. Not that they couldn’t all get it wrong because today we report tweets.

But, Scary stuff. So getting tested may not be a good idea. especially during hunting season.
This is a world wide pandemic. Are the rest of the nations of the world also trying to rig their elections? One ridiculous conspiracy theory after another. Where do you guys come up with this stuff??? Let me guess..Chuck Woolery. Thanks to great Americans like Chuck Woolery who profit off of a scared rum dums by spewing ever crazier conspiracy theories this country doesn't have the political will to agree on how to screw in a light bulb. Much less fight a global pandemic. Its sad and its tired and our enemies around the world are laughing their asses off. Is this what MAGA looks like?

The ridiculous information I have comes from the CDC's own data... if you aren't sure how fixed this is, George Floyd is listed as a Covid death.... think I am misleading you? Google it yourself bud, it won't take long to see the truth.
If you have any questions you want answers to, ask us to provide the scientific data and I will gladly present it to you, or just read back because most of this has already been posted. Ask me anything, please ask as opposed to ignoring what the science says.

As Chummer pointed out earlier, Jimmy Johnson himself counted as 4 "new cases" because they don't separate people getting re-tested, they count every single positive Covid test submitted as a "new case". It also came out last week that the CDC is counting every positive test as a "new case", not only people being retested but ALSO they are combining Viral tests (infected) with Antibody tests (infected prior but not currently sick) as "new positive cases".

I am honestly shocked at how few people actually see what is going on here. Don't let your TV give you the facts because they don't, best advice I can give.
Ignoring the information because it doesn’t align with the facts people’s “news” tells them is why we are where we are. This is what MAGA looks like, real facts and real scientific data.

This is an announcement from Dr. Ezike on 4/19/20, she is the Director of the Department of Public Health.

"If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a Covid death. It means technically even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death. Everyone who is listed as a COVID doesn’t mean that was the cause of the death, but they had COVID at the time of death.”
the video

This is the CDC’s wording (right off the CDC website) of exactly what she is saying and they estimate that “95% of Covid deaths had serious underlying conditions prior to contracting Covid” it is under the “cause of death” section. If you do the math... and I did... 93% of Covid deaths had such serious underlying health condition.

The CDC:
“Deaths where COVID-19 appeared on the death certificate as a multiple cause of death may be included in the cause-specific estimates. For example, in some cases, COVID-19 may have contributed to the death, but the underlying cause of death was another cause, such as terminal cancer. For the majority of deaths where COVID-19 is reported on the death certificate (approximately 95%), COVID-19 is selected as the underlying cause of death.”
The CDC link

All of a sudden math is hard to understand.
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Found a good read this evening recapping many other historical events that were also supposed to wipe out mankind. Kinda fun to go back and see how accurate agenda science has been.

Radon, peak oil, bird flu, global cooling, air pollution, global warming, swing flu, overpopulation, topsoil, ocean fisheries, milk, polar bears, Sars, melting center ice caps, the ozone layer, eggs, hurricanes, west nile, SUVs, acid rain, and coffee. We've been ten years from extinction since 1970.

View attachment 30715

Good stuff. ^^ It's almost like some would seek to control all others via fear and panic...huh.
Not happy about it but I'm going to have to wear a mask for the first time this morning. My wife scheduled my son for a well check/sports physical. Doesn't bother me that much to wear it in a hospital. What does bother me is the fact that there is a strong chance there won't be a fall highschool sports season.
Not happy about it but I'm going to have to wear a mask for the first time this morning. My wife scheduled my son for a well check/sports physical. Doesn't bother me that much to wear it in a hospital. What does bother me is the fact that there is a strong chance there won't be a fall highschool sports season.

I am a Maintenance Supervisor at a SUNY College here in Upstate NY, given the Governors guidelines we have already cancelled the entire Section 8 Football season, Basketball season and Hockey season :(
I am a Maintenance Supervisor at a SUNY College here in Upstate NY, given the Governors guidelines we have already cancelled the entire Section 8 Football season, Basketball season and Hockey season :(
I thinks HS sports are pushed back to end of September but no one thinks that is going to happen. Winter sports should be okay because they are after the election. The virus is almost non existent in our county but that won’t matter.
Honest question.

Does the discovery of widespread and grossly false test data across hundreds of labs cause you any concern or reconsideration for the severity of the situation? As a scientist, do you think quality of data matters in forming a conclusion?
Honest response: this would absolutely be cause for concern. But a measured reaction can't be based simply on claims of widespread and grossly false test data, as there are agendas at work on both sides of the fence, but needs to be proven and documented by a reliable source. With that in mind, it is unclear to me that this issue is as widespread as you claim, although your posing a question following a suspect "fact" may suggest that you believe it, and intend your belief to be a starting point for the subsequent conversation.

Regardless, however, my bias as a scientist screams that the fact that such data even exists (albeit perhaps less widespread than suggested) begs the question of whether any results can be trusted if even one result is shown to contrived. Scientists are the ultimate skeptics. But in situations such as we face currently, I would argue that the incidence of false reporting is exceedingly low overall, though measurable. But without data, we can't make comparisons or even try to come to a rational conclusion. Hence, in my professional opinion, we have to weigh the need to act (or not act) against the validity of the data. My opinion is that the database is generally reflective of the severity of the situation. In other words, I'm not letting one bad apple ruin the bushel. I think that we also need to consider that many countries have done their own testing, and that the numbers among different nations are generally also reflective of the severity of the outbreak, as assessed using independent measures. I have trouble buying into a widespread conspiracy that would need to exist to make such intentional data manipulation feasible. Nor am I quite sure of the conspiracy's end game.
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I hate to keep bringing up the PGA as if that’s all I do or watch. I don’t. LOL. Jack Nicklaus announced this weekend that he and his wife contracted Covid in March. Which you didn’t hear much about it in Florida back in March. They have since tested positive for the antibodies. His wife had no symptoms and he had a sore throat. They are right around 80 I believe.
The ridiculous information I have comes from the CDC's own data... if you aren't sure how fixed this is, George Floyd is listed as a Covid death.... think I am misleading you? Google it yourself bud, it won't take long to see the truth.
If you have any questions you want answers to, ask us to provide the scientific data and I will gladly present it to you, or just read back because most of this has already been posted. Ask me anything, please ask as opposed to ignoring what the science says.

As Chummer pointed out earlier, Jimmy Johnson himself counted as 4 "new cases" because they don't separate people getting re-tested, they count every single positive Covid test submitted as a "new case". It also came out last week that the CDC is counting every positive test as a "new case", not only people being retested but ALSO they are combining Viral tests (infected) with Antibody tests (infected prior but not currently sick) as "new positive cases".

I am honestly shocked at how few people actually see what is going on here. Don't let your TV give you the facts because they don't, best advice I can give.

Do you have any links for the George Floyd and Jimmy Johnson stuff. I’m googling some stuff. I see Floyd had Covid but that was not the cause of his death. I can’t find if it was counted as a statistic.

As for JJ. Can’t find data on that either. Is it “new cases” or just reporting on postives for tests ran that day to get a general positive rate? Still could present holes but give a better indication of population infection given the of percentages of positives.

I’ve also heard stories of people dying in accidents and it getting reported, but I have to imagine those are outliers perhaps but maybe not.

generally where the + testing numbers are going up, its followed by full hospitals... which sounds like it’s still happening.... Then Deaths. Deaths seem to be lagging this time which is great. Shows we are learning we are learning stuff and how to treat it.

I don’t think shutting down again is the right answer this time. We know more now than we did the first time around. Masking isn’t a bad option though.
I'm sure there are counties/states that have padded the numbers of deaths. In my county in Indiana there have been 9 deaths. One was a good friend, a firefighter who was 41 years old. Both of his parents contracted it as well and even with both of them having pre-existing conditions, pulled thru. Next county east of me has had only 3 deaths, but one of them was a good friend and former co-worker. Maybe I misread some of the above posts regarding George Floyd, but his cause of death was listed as asphyxiation. A lot of the info we see posted on the web is giving us only part of of the whole truth. Articles online are prone to telling only what the author wants us to hear and the way he/she wants us to hear it. You can take bits and pieces of anything ever written and spin it to justify whatever you want...folks do it with the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Scriptures all the time!
Here are two stories from my state....

1. Is a story about how government agencies are sneaking into private businesses to see if the businesses are complying with their unconstitutional decrees. If they are not complying they are going to be dealt a heavy blow by the ministry of noncompliance. Not properly wearing a mask will allow them to close you down or bankrupt you into submission.

2. The second is how a group of people utterly failed to properly social distance. In fact, they got together by the thousands, smashed/looted/burned hundreds of buildings and caused in the neighborhood of $500 million to $1 billion dollars worth of damage. The leaders of our state sat shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of other people who were not social distancing or wearing mask at a funeral but yet told the rest of us that we couldn’t have funerals.

The people that actually broke laws get rewarded and one of the biggest threats to legitimate business in this state is/ continues to be the government. They didn’t protect the ones that needed It the most and now they are gonna start punishing them for hand washing, how there chairs are arranged or proper mask wearing all in the name of corona virus. Phuck these people!!!
Like I said earlier, the silent majority needs to ban together and not allow government to treat us like this!! The only problem we have unlike the “mostly peaceful protesters” is that we will have to take off work and burn precious vacation time to do it. If the entire crowd of people at these restaurants, bars, and other business would surround these cowards and tell them that we aren’t going to stand for it things would change quickly. Mask compliance isn’t the answer, making OUR government employees comply with us is the answer.

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Do you have any links for the George Floyd and Jimmy Johnson stuff. I’m googling some stuff. I see Floyd had Covid but that was not the cause of his death. I can’t find if it was counted as a statistic.

As for JJ. Can’t find data on that either. Is it “new cases” or just reporting on postives for tests ran that day to get a general positive rate? Still could present holes but give a better indication of population infection given the of percentages of positives.

I’ve also heard stories of people dying in accidents and it getting reported, but I have to imagine those are outliers perhaps but maybe not.

generally where the + testing numbers are going up, its followed by full hospitals... which sounds like it’s still happening.... Then Deaths. Deaths seem to be lagging this time which is great. Shows we are learning we are learning stuff and how to treat it.

I don’t think shutting down again is the right answer this time. We know more now than we did the first time around. Masking isn’t a bad option though.

Good sir, did you at least delve into the information I provided before answering? It is important to understand and be clear that "ANYONE with a Covid code (U07.1 is the code) on their death certificate is tallied as a Covid death". The 30 second video was from the Director of the Department of Public Health back in April, I understand that the TV news doesn't really explain this stuff but that is also verifiable in the CDC's information, if you still aren't sure, go to the CDC website Covid section and type in the search bar "how are Covid deaths counted" so you don't think I am feeding you false information.
You confirmed that George Floyd had Covid at the time of death, so yessir, George Floyd is listed as a Covid death unless you question the first part above. Can I show you in the CDC's data where they personally list Floyd? NO, they don't put any names in that data, everyone is just a number bud.
People tend to believe things when they find them on their own, I have posted these links and we are still here. So go to the State where he tested positive, Indiana if memory serves, and look up how they count Covid tests and re-tests of positives. Each state is responsible for its data collection and submission of that data to the CDC, which is likely to change because the National Guard is supposed to take over recording the numbers. I will admit that Googling some of this stuff led me to walls and I had to go to the DuckduckGo search to find particulars.
I am a solid Trump supporter, if I Google Donald J. Trump, the whole top page of clickable articles and information is all negative information. So gogle can't say that their algorithms aren't bias just an FYI. In other words, they don't put pro-Trump things in front of my search like FOX news even though my searches tend to attempt to confirm something good that Trump did and it wasn't reported by ABC, NBC etc.

Regarding mask usage, I would ask anyone to look up any studies PRIOR to Covid regarding cloth masks us commoners use, regular nurse type masks and N95 masks and their effectiveness regarding any flu-like disease transmission. Spoiler alert for those that won't look, all those studies say only a person that is sick, thought to be sick or anyone that cannot avoid being in close contact with a person known to be sick, wear a mask. Nowhere in my searches did I find a study that said cloth masks should be used to protect, an otherwise healthy person, from a disease with flu-like transmission. The only exceptions were for examples like the Spanish Flu that killed over a million Americans. The general consensus is you don't need to wear a mask if you are otherwise healthy. I am no doctor but I would advise anyone that wants to wear a mask, definitely should.
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