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Real question is in cities like Chicago and Baltimore do they give the beds to Coronavirus patients or gun shot victims. What about all the drug overdoses? My guess is a lot of ICU patients these days are life style related, who gets the bed?
Not exaggerating, the beds here are full almost all the time and being placed in the hallway for many many hours waiting for a room to open up is very common. Also common for ER's to be on bypass which sends incoming patients to other overcrowded hospitals.
From my best friend who is an er doc thirty minutes ago in Boise-
Normally the ED downtown has 20-30min max wait times. Currently 4 hours wait. This was my concern
Might be lonely at work monday afternoon with just us essential employees there.
Maybe when all the kids are still getting the schooling online the lightbulb will finally come on that schools should be shut down permanently. Look at all the wasted money on school buildings, busses, teachers(most don't do a good job or care anymore). Kids can still get an education without the crazy expense to the taxpayers.

I could not disagree with you more. Not sure what kind of experience you have or what you are citing...maybe just a personal angst against public education. Sorry, I've been teaching high school for 22 years and what I do in the classroom every day can not be replicated "on-line" or by 90% of parents at home. Fifty percent of the students in my high school are low income and special needs. Do you really think they are going to be able teach themselves high school Biology or Math by watching videos? Half of these kids' parents are absent, drunk, abusers, mentally ill, illiterate, etc. The ONLY role model and/or caring adult many of these kids see each day is a teacher. The ONLY safe place many of these experience each day is a classroom. And the ONLY breakfast and lunch these kids eat is at school.

"Most don't do a good job or care anymore" is what you said. I'd like to know your source for that information.
Wish I could like this 1000x. Good for you Natty!

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Media for sure is a driving force but I don’t believe the market tanked on H1N1. I could be wrong on that, I wasn’t an active follower at the time. So there might be other visual factors at play for peoples panic level. It certainly didn’t help that China went large scale with quarantines and to control their ballooning numbers and it still spread either. I think this is why having test kits right away would have been important. It is what it is at this point... I think preventing social gatherings is our next step in containment to not overload the healthcare system. this virus seems more contagious and more deadly as the age goes up.

Also let’s not underestimate social media’s importance this time around something that wasn’t as prominent in H1N1 or atleast not as weaponized.
The plan is working ... Wis Gov just abruptly late this afternoon canceled all school for K1-K12 with no end date defined.

No planning or coordination with business' in the state or discussion with parents. Now parents who work 8-5 have to figure out what to do with theirs kids and are pitted against their employers. Abruptly don't show up for work to take care of your kids? Find last minute daycare(not a possibility when every thing shuts down like this)?

Create unplanned chaos for parents, pit them against their employers with an emotionally impossible decision, and shut down employers workforce to create economic hardship everywhere.

Never let a crisis go to waste ...
Bought here today. Thankfully not everywhere is nuts.
I’m hoping the world returns to normal soon. Wish We could shut off the TV for a week.

Bought here today. Thankfully not everywhere is nuts.
I’m hoping the world returns to normal soon. Wish We could shut off the TV for a week.

View attachment 28373

What’s stopping you from turning the TV off? Just like being lied to and brainwashed that much?

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I'll couple this post with earlier posts about Chicago; and some may recognize why testing is sooooo important. The H1N1 mortality rate from the example in H2O's post was .02% (12,469 divided by 60.8 million and less than the approximate mortality rate of .10 for 40,000 flu deaths in a bad year / (40,000 deaths divided by divided by 35 million infected persons), while the mortality rate for covid-19 - in the example above - is 2.85% (38 divided by known infected cases of 1329 ... probably the mortality rate would be lower if more testing revealed the true number of infected persons); however, covid-19 is way more infectious than many other viruses. Now, where does Chicago fit in .... today (3-13) it was announced that Illinois (most cases in/around Chicago) has a confirmed 48 cases of Covid-19 WITH 16 new cases reported today. That means there were 36 cases yesterday AND a 50% increase in 24 hours! What do you suppose it will be tomorrow or in 2 weeks; wonder why the IL Gov closed all schools (public and private) today? The State of NY is on the same trajectory as Italy ... good luck if they can't slow the spread of the virus ... and don't say you won't see it in your area ... most will just get it later (like the rest of western Europe after Italy). Again, the rapidity with which this virus can explode within the general population might easily infect more persons with hospital-necessary care than our medical facilities can handle (would probably push up the mortality rate at least above 3-4%). Here's a little math problem for you; what's 4% of 50 million infected persons? If you said 2,000,000 you win the prize. The best scientific minds in our country want large scale testing to determine hot spots and garner epidemologyical information about this completely new virus. Finally, restricting persons from other countries where the virus is present and employing social-distance techniques (no large gatherings, closing schools, churches and businesses, and asking people to limit the time they spend in the public arena) are the ONLY tools - at this time to combat the rapid spread of this disease. Walk into any grocery store in an urban area and the empty shelves will tell you the American public is now starting to understand the magnitude of the problem.

The article below - while comparing covid-19 with the seasonal flu - has some information about other viruses - and does provide some good information about the danger of spikes in the infection rate that might overwhelm our health system. Don't get hung up on the potential politics of the publisher .... article is great for helping us to understand what covid-19 is all about; hope it gives you pause to keep yourself and loved ones safe as possible.
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The grocery stores near me are out of just about everything. (kinda eerie).
My wife's workplace called everyone together and announced that testing would be 100% covered.

I've seen posted elsewhere that there are rumors of a Sunday announcement that the entire country will be shut down like Italy. I don't see how that would even be possible, but it's probably the only way to truly stop it.
Yawn .... enjoyed vacation golf yesterday w pairing w NE strangers as we laughed of overreaction. No soap n restroom at 5th hole. Didn’t like that as I’ve been washing my hands for decades before govnt told me to. Headed to gym then restaurant for breakfast and off to bass pro.
No sports on tv for 2 days and JST realized my wife’s eyes are brown. Who would’ve thot?? You guys play safe. Peace

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We may not agree on everything, but if i were face to face with you, i'd shake your hand on this one (Unless you're worried about transmitting COVID-19). Worry about what you can worry about, control what you can control, and let the chips fall where they may. If you get sick from this, you'll probably recover quicker if you didn't get your blood pressure up about it in the first place.

I just wish I'd waited to get into the market until now. I did it last tuesday and it's done nothing but drop since then... Good thing I have 25 years to let it recover.

Also, I'm planning on being on a plane to florida tuesday morning with my wife and kids. I guess if they're gonna cancel Ohio schools for 3 weeks, we may as well quarentine in the Florida sunshine.

Thanks, sometimes easier said than done in stressful times.

Don't worry about market timing, you usually end up chasing it as it is going the other way. Smaller amounts bought monthly like 401K or SEP (if you are a small biz owner) are better long term plan.

Safe trip to you and your family.
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Don't worry about market timing, you usually end up chasing it as it is going the wrong way.

I’ll second that. Historically it always goes back to where it was and beyond. Can’t time the bottom, just have to get in when it’s down.
My wife's workplace called everyone together and announced that testing would be 100% covered.

I've seen posted elsewhere that there are rumors of a Sunday announcement that the entire country will be shut down like Italy. I don't see how that would even be possible, but it's probably the only way to truly stop it.
Our county court system (one of the largest in the country) announced last night that it is shutting down until at least April 15th :emoji_fearful:
I'll couple this post with earlier posts about Chicago; and some may recognize why testing is sooooo important. The H1N1 mortality rate from the example in H2O's post was .02% (12,469 divided by 60.8 million and less than the approximate mortality rate of .10 for 40,000 flu deaths in a bad year / (40,000 deaths divided by divided by 35 million infected persons), while the mortality rate for covid-19 - in the example above - is 2.85% (38 divided by known infected cases of 1329 ... probably the mortality rate would be lower if more testing revealed the true number of infected persons); however, covid-19 is way more infectious than many other viruses. Now, where does Chicago fit in .... today (3-13) it was announced that Illinois (most cases in/around Chicago) has a confirmed 48 cases of Covid-19 WITH 16 new cases reported today. That means there were 36 cases yesterday AND a 50% increase in 24 hours! What do you suppose it will be tomorrow or in 2 weeks; wonder why the IL Gov closed all schools (public and private) today? The State of NY is on the same trajectory as Italy ... good luck if they can't slow the spread of the virus ... and don't say you won't see it in your area ... most will just get it later (like the rest of western Europe after Italy). Again, the rapidity with which this virus can explode within the general population might easily infect more persons with hospital-necessary care than our medical facilities can handle (would probably push up the mortality rate at least above 3-4%). Here's a little math problem for you; what's 4% of 50 million infected persons? If you said 2,000,000 you win the prize. The best scientific minds in our country want large scale testing to determine hot spots and garner epidemologyical information about this completely new virus. Finally, restricting persons from other countries where the virus is present and employing social-distance techniques (no large gatherings, closing schools, churches and businesses, and asking people to limit the time they spend in the public arena) are the ONLY tools - at this time to combat the rapid spread of this disease. Walk into any grocery store in an urban area and the empty shelves will tell you the American public is now starting to understand the magnitude of the problem.

The article below - while comparing covid-19 with the seasonal flu - has some information about other viruses - and does provide some good information about the danger of spikes in the infection rate that might overwhelm our health system. Don't get hung up on the potential politics of the publisher .... article is great for helping us to understand what covid-19 is all about; hope it gives you pause to keep yourself and loved ones safe as possible.

USA cases 2,300
Ohio cases 100,000
Total 102,300
Deaths under age 40 - 0
Death Rate under age 40 - 0%
Avg age of Deceased - 78

My family is taking measures to help prevent disease spread. May as well have fun with it and practice the quarantine, see what we're made of. We don't feel in danger, but absolutely don't want to be the ones who spread it to the elderly or vulnerable. My parents are in their 70s and I'd like to see 'em stick around a good while longer. I know some say this is wrong, but I still have a feeling a little spring/summer weather will help curb this.
No offense but, this always cracks me up. Why would a company need non essential employees? LOL.
We joke about it alot. They will let them go home early if snow or severe thunderstorms are expected. We always joke there should be someone on the other side of the turnstyles handing out pink slips. Its a big part of the reason we have went from 1200 to 700 employees.
With H1N1 we were able to get a vaccine,that was alot of the difference I think.As a volunteer emergency responder we are trying to plan and really hope if someone gets sick they use their head and do what has been suggested.They don't need to call 911 unless they are having a true medical emergency
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