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It's funny that the fouch thinks he still has credibility. Standing him up against an actual doctor Like Senator Paul just isn't fair.
That was a beat down.
Your wish is my command ..... Year 2017 ... last year for which I found data
Chum ...,. thanks for suggesting cancer for comparison purposes; I hadn't thought of it.

Age Group Number of Cancer Deaths
15-49 -- 34,717
50-69 -- 262,203
70+ -- 400,782

Just like Covid, cancer disproportionately impacts older persons. Many would argue - like the Covid argument (you don't die from, you die with) - that cancer does not kill you; it merely sets your body up for organ failure or some other catastrophe. According to the CDC, life expectancy in the U.S. is almost 79 years ... if we accept STF's assertion that current cancer victums ... "twenty years ago were in their “golden” age" ... that would be 79yrs-20yrs = 59yrs .... right in the middle of the age group 50-69 in the chart above. I doubt many of those 26K+ folks, or their loved ones, readily accepted that their "shelf-life" had expired in their golden years.
While I too detest the way cancer ravishes people, I'd bet you will find the distribution of cancer deaths - by age group - to be very similar to the distribution of covid deaths by age group. Two additional differences between the two conditions seem worthy of note. Almost all covid victums die alone (without family members to comfort them and often comforted by medical personnel) and the time to death -from the onset of the disease - is probably - on average - much shorter for covid victums. We should all pray that science will some day eliminate all forms of cancer.

There are mitigation factors for avoiding both covid and cancer; but they differ in an important aspect. Covid is contagious while cancer is pretty much thought not to be contagious. Consequently, mitigation factors for covid are largely social in nature; isolation/non-congregant behavior, social distancing, avoid hand shakes, personal hygiene, mask wearing (in deference to strong feelings of some I almost excluded masks). Mitigation factors for cancer are largely personal in nature; avoid smoking or inhalation of toxic chemicals like asbestos or radon (don't stand downwind from a pile of burning seed bags that contained treated seeds), healthy diet, regular exercise and appropriate testing - for both men and women - at various stages in life.

Finally, I was NOT comparing the tragic-death-sacrifices of American soldiers with the death of older Americans in some disrespectful fashion; I was only drawing a comparison to illustrate the magnitude (numbers) of the covid deaths. I would also note a Commander-in-Chief who did a little Flag-wrapping when he declared himself as a "War President." fighting the covid scourge. Does that diminish the sacrifices of American Soldiers who fought in defense of the united States?
Just imagine if all the Covid money and all the money spent in the Middle East for the last 20 years went to fight cancer. It would probably be gone and there would be an easy solutions for this China virus and every other one they will send here. Thank you for the right up, and no, no one should ever touch the flag.
Where is the science?

Fauci is nothing more than a total political hack and continues to prove it every time he speaks. His credibility as any type of an expert is gone now completely over shadowed by his biases and agendas with his partisan views that make a joke of science.
Fauci is nothing more than a total political hack and continues to prove it every time he speaks. His credibility as any type of an expert is gone now completely over shadowed by his biases and agendas with his partisan views that make a joke of science.
He's got a major problem. They're way behind slamming that junk "into people's arms," and they are quickly losing the attention span of the people. If they've ordered 300 million doses of that crap and people quit showing up when they've only reached 125 million people to test it on, the trial will be a failure. The fouch better quit reminding people the lockdowns and masks will continue for years even after people get vaccinated, because anyone I know is only getting it thinking they'll get exempted from the edicts of the medical police state. Anyone paying attention knows that simply isn't the case.
Seems to be mass confusion from information over load= Throw enough crap at people to deal with and it just confuses. It is no accident.
How is that saying? Baffle 'em with your bullshit.
He's got a major problem. They're way behind slamming that junk "into people's arms," and they are quickly losing the attention span of the people. If they've ordered 300 million doses of that crap and people quit showing up when they've only reached 125 million people to test it on, the trial will be a failure. The fouch better quit reminding people the lockdowns and masks will continue for years even after people get vaccinated, because anyone I know is only getting it thinking they'll get exempted from the edicts of the medical police state. Anyone paying attention knows that simply isn't the case.

i would so like to agree. But you’re not actually living in a real blue state. You know, where they believe cnn And msnbc.

yesterday I was walking into a drug store and putting my mouth diaper on. An older woman behind me said I can’t wait until this mask thing is over I’ve had my second vaccination.

I stopped and said let’s go in without them I’ve had COVID.

She freaked out on me!!! Like I was the devil. People on the left are truly scared.
I’ve had a really great experiences by bouncing from NJ to MO in all this.

most people in fly over country actually have common sense.

People on the coasts with common sense keep it to them selves.

kinda scary really.
i would so like to agree. But you’re not actually living in a real blue state. You know, where they believe cnn And msnbc.

yesterday I was walking into a drug store and putting my mouth diaper on. An older woman behind me said I can’t wait until this mask thing is over I’ve had my second vaccination.

I stopped and said let’s go in without them I’ve had COVID.

She freaked out on me!!! Like I was the devil. People on the left are truly scared.
That's amazing, because I keep hearing that too. I don't have the heart to ask them where they heard they get their freedom back if they submit to the fouchie ouchie. I'm afraid this isn't going to end until they get enough of this junk into enough pregnant women, infants, and children, especially children with autoimmune disorders to have a complete enough data set to see if it's safe or disprove danger.
I’ve had a really great experiences by bouncing from NJ to MO in all this.

most people in fly over country actually have common sense.

People on the coasts with common sense keep it to them selves.

kinda scary really.

There is something about living next to a large amount of water that makes the majority of people become stupid: Murderapolis, Shitcago, NYC, California, Oregon and Washington, the warshington swamp, and more locally Duluth and people from lake Minnetonka. These Karen's that constantly need their asses wiped by pandering politicians pollute some of the best places in the United States.
There is something about living next to a large amount of water that makes the majority of people become stupid: Murderapolis, Shitcago, NYC, California, Oregon and Washington, the warshington swamp, and more locally Duluth and people from lake Minnetonka. These Karen's that constantly need their asses wiped by pandering politicians pollute some of the best places in the United States.
Haha, My wife and I say that all the time.
And I thought that I coined the term "Shitcago", Ill-annoy.
i would so like to agree. But you’re not actually living in a real blue state. You know, where they believe cnn And msnbc.

yesterday I was walking into a drug store and putting my mouth diaper on. An older woman behind me said I can’t wait until this mask thing is over I’ve had my second vaccination.

I stopped and said let’s go in without them I’ve had COVID.

She freaked out on me!!! Like I was the devil. People on the left are truly scared.
My son and i were at menards a couple weeks ago
After being chastised for attempting to pass the welding helmet around the super life saver 2 foot by 3 foot plexi glass as it didnt want to fit under it, my son and i laughed and made a few comment about how safe we felt now that the evil helmet went under instead of around.
The checker then said " we have to be very careful, me especially I have a son at home with adhd"
Silence hit the 2 of us. After taking in the gravity of the situation my 15 yearold looked at me and said " did she seriously just say that?" Yep, yep she did.
I wished her son the best by telling her he'd probably forget he had covid by the time he realized he had covid. She didnt find it nearly as funny as we did.
My wife being a school teacher leans a little left, but is starting to see through their BS, and is starting to center. In MN teachers were among the first few groups that were offered the vaccine, I figured she would get it, but she told me there was no reason to get it. If getting it would mean no masks, or not have to worry about catching it, or not spreading it after, she could justify it, but when the only reason to get it was to be the guinea pig, she declined. She never even asked me if I was planning on getting it, because she knows my opinion. Although we may end up getting it later this year, because we like to go on cruises, and it sounds like in order to go on a cruise, we will both need to be vaccinated. I feel this is an invasion of my privacy, and my medical history shouldnt be used to determine if I can travel. My hope is by the end of the year they will figure out if it is actually a poison, or if they need to adjust it so people dont lose a testicle, or grow a second belly button, or whatever.

We have had 3 cruises already canceled, and we have one more scheduled for early next spring, it would be nice to be able to get on a cruise and be back to normal.
My wife being a school teacher leans a little left, but is starting to see through their BS, and is starting to center. In MN teachers were among the first few groups that were offered the vaccine, I figured she would get it, but she told me there was no reason to get it. If getting it would mean no masks, or not have to worry about catching it, or not spreading it after, she could justify it, but when the only reason to get it was to be the guinea pig, she declined. She never even asked me if I was planning on getting it, because she knows my opinion. Although we may end up getting it later this year, because we like to go on cruises, and it sounds like in order to go on a cruise, we will both need to be vaccinated. I feel this is an invasion of my privacy, and my medical history shouldnt be used to determine if I can travel. My hope is by the end of the year they will figure out if it is actually a poison, or if they need to adjust it so people dont lose a testicle, or grow a second belly button, or whatever.

We have had 3 cruises already canceled, and we have one more scheduled for early next spring, it would be nice to be able to get on a cruise and be back to normal.
Im done, i cant deal with this anymore. If you arent going to be scared into the basement there is no help for you, any of you!
Odd that the folks that were in the trenches of the most horrific outbreaks, the hottest spots, of the deadly global coronavirus pandemic aren't alarmed enough to get the shot. If anyone should be sufficiently scared into taking anything experimental, you'd think it'd be these folks.


The resistance to the vaccine is not unique to correctional officers. Health care workers, caretakers in nursing homes and police officers — who have witnessed the worst effects of the pandemic — have declined to be vaccinated at unexpectedly high rates.
I still for the life of me cant figure out why anyone would get it. Totaly pointless risk and its not even to keep you from getting it, just to maybe lessen the effects. Just stupid imho
When will they start printing the T-shirts "Biden, please let me out"?
I still for the life of me cant figure out why anyone would get it. Totaly pointless risk and its not even to keep you from getting it, just to maybe lessen the effects. Just stupid imho
I totally agree. There is no benefit. The virus with a 99.7% chance of survival, has a vaccine that is 90-80% successful. So, there is 2 ways of looking at that, 80-90% of the .3% will now have less chance to get sick from it, if they catch it. Or does it take your survival rate of 99.7%, and bring it down to 80-90%? I know, I know, stop asking questions, and get in line like a good little sheep.

The only reason I would take it is to vacation, it was the trade off with my wife for moving upnorth to my hunting land. I would need to take her on a cruise every winter for a couple week get away from the cold.
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