Corn Plot Planting


5 year old buck +
Doesn't make sense for us to buy a no till drill for how much we'd use it, as much as I'd love to have one.

Good news is the neighbor said he's put it in for us. We have good access to all the fields and he said for $25/ acre he'd do it.

What are you guys paying if yo have to get someone in to do it?
Average Iowa rates for '19, no-till planting around ~$22ish and drilling around ~$20ish. That's not a bad deal for doing an 80 ac farm, but for coming in and doing just a few acres in several different patches, I'd agree with you that it's good news, and that he's doing you a nice favor.
Money well spent IMO. I would gladly pay that if I could get someone lined up to do it and I could trust they would actually get it done. I am forced to do my own if I want to be assured it gets done.
is that including the seed and fertilizer or is that just his time and equipment? If it's just his time and equipment that is still a good deal. He will plant an acre in 15 minutes when it could take you all day. If you need to supply the materials see if he will simply bump up his order and you pay him. He will get a better volume discount than you AND you don't have to worry about changing over the planter. I am sure he may buy some higher end seed and the like, but it's worth it not having to mess with the planter. Figure out how many acre you will be planting and sit down and do the math. His equipment alone will save you so much time at $25 a acre it's well worth it. Make sure you keep him in mind come X-mas time and take him some summer sausage or jerky. Or take one of his kids or grand kids hunting or fishing as a thank you. Farmers like that sort of stuff. it's good to have friends in the farming may be surprised the doors that open because of it.
j bird, that's just time and labor. We have to spray it before hand, and buy the seed.

But beings as we're planting 7-8 acres of corn, I'd say he's helping us out big time.

pretty excited to see it in the ground.