Cool idea!


5 year old buck +

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I sell thousands of bushels of corn bagged in 50lb bags every year off of our farm in MN! Most people want it bagged and ready to throw it in their truck or trailer. Everyone is in to big of hurry here to bag their own.

Cool if it works for the guy!
Soooooooo, I see a common side dump gravity box, what am I missing?

EDIT: Ah, I get it now that Mo posted. Self-serve deer corn. Great idea, in areas where it is legal, in my area it is not.
Soooooooo, I see a common side dump gravity box, what am I missing?

The bags on top of the running gear. Its self serve bag your own it looks like to me!
Yup, figured it out after I read your post...........;) Not legal to feed or bait where I hunt, so it took a minute to put 2 and 2 together!
sadly in my area, folks would steal all the bags and screw anyone that wants to fill one!
feeding deer is illegal to hunt over here in PA
yet it sells like crazy at all the wally worlds ALL deer season long??
wonder WHO"S buying it??

Cheater's is my bets bet??
after running a gun store for so long and HEARING of what folks do, the state of PA should just legalize baiting, they did a study and they said NO difference in kill rates over bait or NOT
(I disbelieve this data)
But since baiting is illegal, yet mineral blocks, deer food products , all sell like crazy??
we must have a LOT of law breakers ?? NO??
I would say 80% of my bagged corn sold is for guys baiting deer here in MN. Illegal in MN to hunt over, but they still do it!
sadly in my area, folks would steal all the bags and screw anyone that wants to fill one!
feeding deer is illegal to hunt over here in PA
yet it sells like crazy at all the wally worlds ALL deer season long??
wonder WHO"S buying it??

Cheater's is my bets bet??
after running a gun store for so long and HEARING of what folks do, the state of PA should just legalize baiting, they did a study and they said NO difference in kill rates over bait or NOT
(I disbelieve this data)
But since baiting is illegal, yet mineral blocks, deer food products , all sell like crazy??
we must have a LOT of law breakers ?? NO??

The wording of baiting laws in Pa are ridiculous. Very subjective. A bird feeder in a back yard could be considered baiting and a hunter, (by law) has the responsibility to not hunt "near" (whatever that means) artificially placed food. It is conceivable in Pa, that a hunter could be fined for hunting "near" a bird feeder that they don't even know exists.
What baiting being illegal is supposed to keep people from doing it? Wow - the retailers in my area sure don't know that. The shelves are stocked full of every sort of imaginable product meant for deer consumption and yet they will be empty the night before our firearms opener.......must be lots of recreational wildlife watchers about that time of year or something that is buying all that stuff!!!!
The wording of baiting laws in Pa are ridiculous. Very subjective. A bird feeder in a back yard could be considered baiting and a hunter, (by law) has the responsibility to not hunt "near" (whatever that means) artificially placed food. It is conceivable in Pa, that a hunter could be fined for hunting "near" a bird feeder that they don't even know exists.
I had a game warden here in PA< tell me there is NO set distance to be away from a bait station if one is going
he actually told me he arrested a guy that was 10+ miles away, but KNEW the bait was there, so he was fined??
I said that was NUTS and BULLCRAP< and he swore me up and down that is the LAW in PA
if you know of it ( OR NOT) and if your hunting near it, you can be fined, and since there is NO set distance, ANY WHERE you can be fined IF they want to??
this gives them the power to fine almost at will IF they wish to
MOST now are NOT that anal, but they can be!
I sadly have do NOT think that highly of our game dept due to what I know of them and past dealings with them, and NO I have never been fined by them, I have reached out to them for help and turned in unethical hunting and never had a single good response from them!, and some situations were so BAD< was almost unimaginable there reply's to me!

Game wardens in PA< have higher power than any law enforcement agency in the state, so fining for baiting?? YUP it makes them income at will!
so they will never allow it here!

I WISH they would enforce trespassing too, they'd make a mint in no time and have a LOT happier relations with land owners in the process, yet they REFUSE to even entertain the idea, yet alone do it!
no its NOT that hard really, in many places by LAW you must have written permission slips ON YOU when hunting, don't have one, your either the owner or???
my property has a posted sign every 15-20 ft all the way around it, Impossible to enter the place NOT seeing at least 1 one sign, or more like 10+!

I personally take a picture of everyone I catch, which I can prove with land marks of ever needed
NOT enforcing Trespassing while HUNTING , to me is the game dept, passing the buck? and NOT doing there job
they can enforce and STOP a person from feeding birds, but cannot stop a trespassing hunter??
sounds rather cheesy to me?
NO, I have known this for yrs and yrs
Just sucks for a state with so much land to have a piss poor game dept
and being a guy that hunts a lot of other states and see's HOW Much better game depts work and handle things
makes me sad to have to live with the things I do here!
its NOT just governments that suck too, its the people that make them up, that do more damages, as cannot have one without the other!
LOL...move to MN and see how you like it. Bet PA looks better after a few months

Bet? I guarantee it!
Here is the law as I understand it in WI. I can plant 5 acres of RR corn for the deer. (LEGAL) But I can't dump one hundred pounds of shelled corn on the ground. (ILLEGAL, and can be a BIG FINE) I can pick the corn and maybe some falls on the ground. (LEGAL) I can not take my brush hog through the corn field and cut shooting lanes. (ILLEGAL) But I can drive my truck through the field to get to my stand (LEGAL) This is the insanity of our DNR in action. Someone please correct me if I am wrong about any of these statements.
Bet? I guarantee it!
guess you never been hunting in PA then
went from a top 5 pheasant state and a million plus deer down to ZERO real wild pheasants, small game is MIA in more places than NOT, and deer? they were let to eat the habitat down to a level it will take YRS IF ever to fix!

What's so bad about MN??
well your not alone there with them?

I know there are worse places than PA< but living here as long as I have and seeing how GOOD things once were and then went sour, and a Game dept, that doesn't like to say WE messed up, or?? let so many things go bad!
leaves a bad taste in my mouth, all the more so when I hunted 4-5+ states a yr and seen better things, working with a fraction of the land PA has and a budget a LOT smaller than PA has!

and to the OP, sorry for getting off topic!
I'll be refraining from any further comment on this thread as it will likely get me re-banned if I did so

Roger That Stu!

This guys has no clue, but many don't!
If your state is like MN or WI, why would the government legalize baiting? They get to not piss off businessmen selling corn or other "deer food" AND they get to write out tickets for the guys who get caught using the stuff. Great way to offset a percentage of CO salaries, just write more tickets for baiting...brilliant
You ain't lying! Wise words
MDC got it figured out. Couple buddies an I got nailed as a young whipper snappers baiting around a golf course lol. Agent was nice enough to cut us a break. Most MDC agents I have run across seem to be good guys. They must screen them well an weed out the whistle dicks on a power trip
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