Concordia Oak


5 year old buck +
I will be planting some Concordia Oak and was wondering best site conditions for them is it dry and well drained or moist soil..pH? And what is approximate nut drop in 5b .. thank you
Great tree, what state??
I really don't know much about the tree as I have not planted it, however, there is a guy from IA or Missouri on the and he planted several and spoke highly of them. Do a search on that site. Hybrid that produces acorns early.
I’m planting 25 from the MDC . Looking forward to see how they do !
I've got a couple that I planted a few years ago that are growing well. I'm a looooong time from knowing if they are a good tree for me though. They are planted on a hilltop with decently drained soils. pH around 7.
I have 50 of them planted in a sand/clay mix soil in SE Kansas this spring so I’m of very little help.