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Clover plot help


5 year old buck +
I planted a perennial white clover plot last Sept with Cereal Rye at this farm. Long story why I couldn’t get there this year to maintain it this year. Anyhow, I went to the plot just 3 days ago and it’s exploded with I believe bracken fern ( I could be wrong on the weed ID) that’s gone to seed and it’s like 5-7 ft high. Anyway, all the clover came up in this acre plot. I hate to do the plot over again. I ran the Cultipacker over it because I was thinking maybe I can hit it with a light dose Gly now that’s its matted down. I don’t think 2-4db ( butyrac) will do much on this weed because it’s so mature now. If anyone thinks a light dose of Gly would work, please inform me of the rate I should use. When I say rate, how many ounces of Gly per a gallon of water? Will one ounce per a gallon work or you guys think the weed is to mature? Any input would be great.
Don't know about chemicals at all but I would try mowing and then more rye. jmo
I don’t have access to a mower. I should have said that above.
Check the labels of IMOX or 24db. Not sure if they are effective on your particular weed, but those herbicides are safe on clover.
A "light dose" of anything won't kill bracken fern if that is what you are dealing with.
I'd try lime if you haven't done that yet. Did your rye not come up this year, or did it do it's thing and then the fern came?
Clover responds ok after rolling but i'd question why your planting clover if you dont have access to a mower.
St Fan,..

Deer mow it for ya,.. if it is small enough,.. others argue ya don't need to mow white short clover.

This video changed my view,.. this year I am trying no mowing. It is doing great few weeds and why mow?

If ya want some video of my unmowed clover ,.. I can provide it.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="
" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
My experience:

I have to mow for weed control (thistle, burr dock, and pig weed are my main concern) Spraying is not a good option with a Clover/Chicory blend. I mow twice a year Mem. Day and again Labor Day if not earlier depending on maturity of weeds. I am in a mixed Ag area so there is no shortage of summer food meaning hundreds of acres of alfalfa. I have reduced the size of my clover plots in hopes that the deer keep it mowed for me (it has kinda worked)


there is no one size fits all management plan that will work for everyone.
I had some thistle too and did a spot spraying to kill it with a backpack sprayer,.. My clover is only like 1/4 acre. Small compared to what some of you folks do here.

First year, last year, I spring planted and I had to mow as I got hit hard with the horse tail or mares tail as I have seen it called here. Mowing was the only solution then but this year the clover was so thick it never came up?
Lime it, and the ferns will go away. Your PH is too low.
The guys are right about the pH since ferns seem to prefer acidic soils everywhere I see it. Take a soil test and amend as needed.

Clover isn't very tall, so if the deer hit the clover hard it will allow light to hit the dirt and weeds will eventually fill in. If you don't mow or spray, I'd guess you will be covered in weeds shortly. I spray to kill off grasses in my clover plot and mow before the annual weeds develop seeds. The weeds will always win eventually, but mowing and spraying will get you some more time.
As for your clover plot, I have had a clover plot for about 5 years, basically I plant winter rye into it every Labor Day, the winter rye grows and feeds the deer in the fall, and early winter through spring, then when the winter rye gets 5 feet tall, the fawns hide in it, then I let it fall down on its own, then replant winter rye the next Labor Day, rinse and repeat. The winter rye keeps the spring and early summer weeds down as well. I will on occasions have to spot spray for thistle, etc.. My clover did well for about 3 years, then it started to get thinner, then this year, was its 5th year,I sprayed it, and I replanted clover and winter rye back into it. I suspect I will get another 5 years out of it. I am acceptable of most weeds, as long as they dont take over. Low cost, low maintenance, and it feeds a lot of deer almost year around. I have other plots that I do the same with radish and turnips, rather then clover, same results.
Thx for replies