Clover Latest Fall Planting Date in South Central WI sand country


5 year old buck +
I was traveling and now I am planting my rye/clover plots later than I prefer. Is September 1 about the latest for an effective rye/clover mix that you want for clover next year? Obviously we have good soil moisture right now. Do I need 45 days before first frost for good survival?
I will be planting this weekend in Northern Wisconsin. You should be good.
I prefer anytime between the middle of August and Labor Day to give the rye a bit more time to grow but we've planted as late as mid September and still had a successful plot. Expect nothing out of the clover until next year.
What would an annual clover do this year? Crimson medium red.
I planted WR and clover yesterday morning. I could see germination this afternoon! Wet soil, humid conditions, and overnight rain. Daily rain is hurting farmers and others in this area but it sure helps germination in sandy plots.