

5 year old buck +
So I planted a perennial mix with Clover/Chicory/Alfalfa. We haven't really gotten adequate rainfall on it so it was starting to look disgusting. It's green, but that because of grasses growing.

Two questions. The past 4 days it's gotten about 2.5" of rain on it, so it should really bounce back to form.

1. The grass is a creeping red fescue I believe. Should I spray this out with clethodim now that the rain will give the perennials I planted a jolt?
2. Do you think I should amend it with fertilizer if we continue to get these rain showers? I spread some MAP on there earlier this summer, as well as potash prior to planting. I'm thinking any amendments might just make the grass take off as well.
When did you plant it? You can use Raptor or maybe Imox. You won’t like the price of Raptor though.

You have a few options. You can mow for Broadleaf, spray Cleth for the grasses, or spray 2,4-DB for broadleaf. This will kill the chicory but it’s cheaper to reseed it than buy Raptor. If you have a few weeds that are problematic I would spot spray those with Glyphosate.

A lot variables depend on when you planted it. If the weeds are already mature and going to seed you are going to have a big fight on your hands. Might be beneficial to nuke the entire plot and start over depending on size and budget.
Myself I would spray the grass out and wait and see how it goes. The chicory and alfalfa should have no problem keeping ahead of any weeds that pop up you didn't say what kind of clovers you put in some don't compete as well as others. I just mixed in some of the Durana a few weeks ago in some of mine to see if it competes as good as I've read on here about it. Once your clover gets going it should start helping your soil pretty quick, did you run any type of soil test in the last year to see where you were starting from?
If the plot isn’t too big, take a weed wacker to the plot and get rid of the weeds and what don’t belong there. I’m pretty sure clover can’t be sprayed with Cleth until it’s like an inch in height for perennial clover.