I am spot checked so much it would make your head spin. And what that does or can do, is trigger spot check for every customer in my data base if they choose, and right now that is just under 900. If any inspector gets a bug up their ass they can come to your house and inspect your spray records for compliance in MN, records you must keep, whether you are a licensed applicator or not, for the product purchased in your name, from my establishment. What are the chances that you will be checked, slim, but I have had customers spot checked. I go to continuing education classes all the time. One thing that has been pounded into my head, is if what you are using your pesticide for is not specifically stated on a label for that said purpose, it will be determined you are not in compliance, and subject to possible punishment. Nothing in the Cleth labels says, you can spray food plot clover or any clover in any other states than the 3 listed! Once again, its plain and simple! Well, not for everyone......