Caution Apple Porn


5 year old buck +
I'll probably be jinxing myself for posting these pics and the apples will be ravished by insects, disease, and other vermin, but here's some pics from my morning orchard walk.

Washed Russet, with some PC damage already.


Mystery apple. I pride myself with being very careful with tagging my grafts, but this limb graft slipped through and I don't know what variety it is.



Viola Crab.

Red Limbertwig.

Waubay Crab.

I only saw a couple of these fellows which I promptly send to meet Jesus.

What's an orchard without some birdboxes in it.
A Bluebird.

A Tree Swallow.

Thanks for looking.
Some awesome stuff Rick!!
I too steward the Bluebird and Tree Swallow. Which means death with extreme prejudice to these killers (English House Sparrow)!
Great pics. They look very healthy!

I had a single one of those worms this year to defoliate a small new pear in one night. I just looked at the tree the evening before, and the next morning there was the worm and the new leaves eaten off. It looked for a few days that the tree might die, but it finally recovered.
Absolutely wonderful pics!

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I have what looks like complete crop failure on apples this year, so I am going to have to be happy living through you guys this time around. Thanks for posting your pics!
I have what looks like complete crop failure on apples this year, so I am going to have to be happy living through you guys this time around. Thanks for posting your pics!

Late frost?
Late frost?
More than likely the cause. Went from unseasonably warm March, to cold and windy during pollination window, to mid 20s and 3" of snow back to 86 degree weather in about a week. Also I had some micro nutrient deficiencies that probably played a part in healthy blossoms this spring.
Real bummer TC

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