Canning 101

My mom and grandma used to do alot of canning. I do a quite a bit of freezing but not any canning.
My dad will freeze about anything, but my grandmaw would do a lot of canning when I was a kid and I picked it up from her. She still does a little, but I've picked up most of the slack.
We used to can a bunch of venison. None in over 10 years. We would use quart jars and put a table spoon of ketchup and a slice of onion on the bottom of the jars before adding the meat. Sky is the limit when adding "seasoning".
I like canned venison. My parents, and grandparents, both do a lot of canning. I don't do much of it but should.
Merle I mean no offense with this but that sounds like a northern thing. Australians I have known loved vegamite but I promise you couldn't force feed that mess to a starved hog or a channel cat.
So, do you guys use fresh cuts or do you freeze it first?
Merle I mean no offense with this but that sounds like a northern thing. Australians I have known loved vegamite but I promise you couldn't force feed that mess to a starved hog or a channel cat.
Vegamite? I've got to look that up just to see what it is now. Oh, and I'll try the canned venison out, but you wait and see. They'll all swoon over chocolate gravy or tomato gravy before it's all said and done.
So, do you guys use fresh cuts or do you freeze it first?

We freeze the cuttings we intend to can all fall. After the last season is over we get together and can everything all at one time.

One tip I'll give you regarding freezing, DON'T use FULL big zip lock bags. They take forever to thaw. The outside is room temperature while the center is still as hard as concrete.

Either use smaller bags, or only fill the big ones a little ways. An inch or two thick is plenty on a 1 gallon bag. Then they thaw quickly and are easy to use up.

Vegamite? I've got to look that up just to see what it is now. Oh, and I'll try the canned venison out, but you wait and see. They'll all swoon over chocolate gravy or tomato gravy before it's all said and done.

Vegamite is sorta like a cross between potted meat and Sonnys dip bait with a dash of soy sauce. Love me some chocolate gravy.
We can beans,tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, pickles, beets, kraut, jelly, etc. Good stuff.

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Agree with Bill at post #16 100%. It looks like a murder scene in the jar, but just wait until you taste it !! Our family would take the meat out of the jar and brown it in a pan with a little Crisco shortening just until some meat " goodies " would just start to stick to the pan. Have a cast iron skillet of home fries w/ onions ready and maybe some baked beans, too. WOW !! Scrape the brown " crunchies " off the bottom of the pan ....... my favorites !! :):):)

EDIT: Our family just used 1 tsp. of canning salt in each jar.
Agree with Bill at post #16 100%. It looks like a murder scene in the jar, but just wait until you taste it !! Our family would take the meat out of the jar and brown it in a pan with a little Crisco shortening just until some meat " goodies " would just start to stick to the pan. Have a cast iron skillet of home fries w/ onions ready and maybe some baked beans, too. WOW !! Scrape the brown " crunchies " off the bottom of the pan ....... my favorites !! :):):)

EDIT: Our family just used 1 tsp. of canning salt in each jar.
Now you've sold me on it! I could practically taste it though my version will have some cathead biscuits to go along with it.
Don't do it Merle, it's a trap. Lol
This is going to work out better than the time I took my father in law to Milwaukee to visit his family. We went out to a restraunt right on the lake and they convinced me to order whitefish or some kind of fish. They all loved it, but my fish are fried. Had to say how great it was then go find a burger joint.
Isn't whitefish the Yankee cousin to a skipjack?
I don't know but whitefish to date is the worst fish ive ever had.
I don't know if it was boiled but it had some kind of cream sauce and almonds on it. I've tried to forget that trip but somehow the memory of the whitefish has stuck with me.
I can tomatoes, beets, and peaches. Freeze sweet corn every year. Nothing like home - made !!
whats your process for freezin the corn? I decided to grow some in the garden this year...but then again this drought isnt helping out much.