Bunny Hunt!


5 year old buck +
It was in the low twenties this weekend and the dog needed aired out so the boys and I went out Saturday morning for a bunny hunt. We hunted a few hours and started thirteen or fourteen bunnies, some held some didn't.
Had a great time and will have some good eating.

Looks like a good day, congrats!
Great pic !!!
Do you flush them with the dog? I only seem to see bunnies around dusk and dawn.
Do you flush them with the dog? I only seem to see bunnies around dusk and dawn.

The dog flushes more than we do with her casting back and forth and rooting into brush piles, she thinks she's a beagle and will chase and sound off for a short run. She retrieves everything that is shot, her normal duty is fetching ducks&geese but she goes absolutely crazy when I get her orange collar out with the bells on and she knows she is going bunny or pheasant hunting.
Great job. Nice pic.
That is awesome. One of the side benefits of all the hinging and brush piles I have laying around is an explosion of snow shoe hares. I might have to try hunting them next year.
wow - that's a lot of rabbit for one day!! great job, labs are fun all the time.

Chummer - I'm south of you and we never had Snowshoe rabbits. Then a couple years in the 1980s - we had a bunch of them in two different spots 10 miles apart - and we've not seen them since. Always thought that was real odd. They liked young spruce and pines I remember. We have plenty of cottontail, but I think we had more in those days - probably was just because there was more pasture.
Usually a Beagle in the picture with that menu rsabbits. Looks like a great way to spend a day.