Bone Collector Buck Gro

Victor Van Meter

5 year old buck +
I have seen some ads for this and looked it up on their website. Description seems to be lacking and $300 for a 5 gallon jug is pretty pricey. I assume a lot of the price is packaging and name brand recognition as well. I have zero plans to use this, just wanted to see what the more experienced guys thought about this product.

If they cant list whats in it nobody with a brain is going to buy it.

I totally agree. The thing is, a lot of guys will buy it just because of the logo.

I totally agree. The thing is, a lot of guys will buy it just because of the logo.


they have a lot more money than I do then. I will buy the same product (more than likely better) at my local Midwest bio ag for a fraction of the price.
they have a lot more money than I do then. I will buy the same product (more than likely better) at my local Midwest bio ag for a fraction of the price.

Yeah, $300 is nearly 10 tons of Ag lime from my local Ag place or 1200 lbs of 12-12-12.
Marketing at it's finest.... Selling "magic beans" so to speak!
Marketing at it's finest.... Selling "magic beans" so to speak!

That's my impression. Maybe with a "secret ingredient" of calcium or magnesium, "guaranteed" to make your bucks maximize their potential.
That's my impression. Maybe with a "secret ingredient" of calcium or magnesium, "guaranteed" to make your bucks maximize their potential.
Yep......and some folks pay $10 for coffee!!!
Haha, starbucks is somewhat nasty. I prefer a black coffee from Caseys or even Mcds. Caramel frappe is pretty good too, if I can drink it without anyone seeing me. I wouldn't buy any Buck on a bag snake oil fertilizers. As mentioned they can be made usually for pennies on the dollar. The guy who owns Bone Collector is a pretty good guy, lives in this area. He was trying to sell a house the past few years for ~ $4 million. He won the Masters Walleye Circuit tourney on Detroit R. a few weeks ago.
Come on guys....It's a magic formula...didn't you look at he size of the bucks on the must be is what everyone needs, regardless of soil type.

I have found very little marketed to food plotters that is worth the price.


Mossy Oak offered a product for food plots that was essentially 8-8-8 with lime that I saw at Gander Mountain a few years ago

Beautiful buck photo on bag.......

The term in the marketing world is "perceived value" & "brand recognition". It's everywhere....even in the outdoor products world. I learned a long time ago....DEER CAN'T READ. Heck they can't even cross the road at the proper signs!! As such they are not swayed by the why should we? All fertilizer comes down to N,P & can add some other micro nutrients to it or other soil conditions like lime (or gypsum - I got you gypsum pimp!)....but there is no "magic" to it. Pull back the curtain.....
What Waddell and Bone Collector have done is partner with U.S. Ag in Georgia to take one of their foliar feed products, slap a picture of Waddell on the container with the Bone Collector logo, and sell it to hunters....potentially at a markup.

Similar foliar products can be found on Amazon for about $40 a gallon.

In a way, it’s similar to what Redmond does with the Trophy Rock products. Take an Ag product, put a deer on it, raise the price, sell to hunters.
The sad part it, foliar feeding may make sense for a farmer trying to solve a temporary problem and salvage a crop until soil amendments can take effect. For a crop under high stress it could be the difference between breaking even or a big loss. I can't for the life of me see a food plot application.
I used to follow certain hunting celebs that seemed "honest" but I don't think there are any left. Now any hunting show is just one loooong infomercial about bogus products and how they pitch this crap to hunters---they must feel that hunters are a very desperate and very stupid bunch of people. That's how I see it anyway.
2 thoughts.

Waddell even has a pair of boots in the picture of his buck showing the logo.... Wow that's a lot of effort.

For $15,950 you can get a 275 gallon tote of the stuff.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Some of you guys need to quit being so pessimistic and get with the program. The label clearly states:



If you want to grow big racks, ORDER NOW!


I used to follow certain hunting celebs that seemed "honest" but I don't think there are any left. Now any hunting show is just one loooong infomercial about bogus products and how they pitch this crap to hunters---they must feel that hunters are a very desperate and very stupid bunch of people. That's how I see it anyway.

I would have to agree. I think they all are selling snake oil in one fashion or another.
