Best time to root cuttings?


A good 3 year old buck
Hi everyone, I have some fruit trees - pear, peaches, and persimmion that need trimmed this year. I want to try to keep the trimmings and see if I can root them. I have been reaching up on the sand/soil mix, rooting hormone, etc and know the procedure fairly well. Lots of resources I've looked through say the best time to do this is late July - early fall, but I've also read that you want to wait until mid winter when the trees are dormant to trim them. If I trimmed them now to take some cuttings, would it hurt the tree? Should I wait longer? My trees are all within the 4-6 ft tall range. Thanks in advance
You can try it but fruit trees tend to be pretty difficult to root from cuttings.
You can try it but fruit trees tend to be pretty difficult to root from cuttings.
Thanks for the input Turkey Creek. I might not bother cutting on my good trees until it's time to prune them in the winter and just try to root some cuttings from some old junk crabapples I have