Best so far this year


Since I have been out of the trail cam game for a while I am not sure what to expect from this guy. He is the best I have gotten on cam so far - pulled card yesterday. I think this is a real good sign, but like I said that is my opinion and not really based on much. He has a partner in crime that is smaller as well that you can see behind him. In the photos it's easy to see which one is the boss - the larger one always hits the lick first and the smaller one will not hit the lick at the same time - but will wait his turn.

Based on what you see and knowing it's mid June with lots of soybeans around - do I have any chance of him turning into a 150+ buck this year?

best so far.jpg
Good looking buck!
He looks like he may have the mass and width to do it. It will depend on tine length IMO. Good luck with him.
He looks like he knows there is a camera. What kind of camera is that? Did you get more than one picture?
Lookin good.
The odds are in your favor.

Looks good man!
He looks like he knows there is a camera. What kind of camera is that? Did you get more than one picture?
Its a cheap stealth cam - many of the deer are looking right at the cam in the pics so they know it's there for some reason. I'm a cheap individual and having hundreds of dollars hanging from a tree in the woods just seems silly and impractical for me. It is set on a burst mode and I am not seeing signs of the camera trigger actually spooking the deer thus far.

He is a repeat customer and I have several pics - this was just the best one to show his width in the daylight. I was actually surprised to see him visit the site in the daylight. I hope he sticks around as I would really like to see his progression.

The cam thus far seems to be doing what I wanted it for and that was to simply monitor the bucks that visit my place and to help guide us in which deer we should be waiting for and if holding out for a 4 year old or older was practical. I REALLY want to take a 5 year old, but we seem to shoot them at 3 and 4 and most are pretty happy with that (120" ~ 145"). Taking a 3 or 4 year old did it for me, but I have a few of them under my belt and now I personally want to try to progress to passing those deer to get me a 5 year old.

Here are a few other pics of him from the same pull - some are the same visit. I snapped that stupid weed off when I swapped SD cards!
best buck.jpg
From my latest card pull - it looks like a got a trio of bucks running together. One in particular has my attention, but I just didn't get a primo shot of him yet. They have already figured out he is "the boss" as he hits the lick first before the other.
buck trio.jpg
I will admit that knowing he is out there brings back the excitement of when I was a kid with a new pack of baseball cards - I just can't wait to see what I got!!!!!
Nice buck. Not sure he is going to have enough points or tine length to hit 150" but still nice.