Baby pears blooming!!


5 year old buck +
I went to check on the 14 apple, crab, and pear trees from Turkey Creek, planted 2 weeks ago. Every tree is leafing out and 4 or 5 had blooms on them. Check out this Seckel pear!

That sure is pretty.
I pinched them all off. That was the right thing, wasn't it?
Yes I would remove them all. It is crazy that tree had so many blossoms. I will post up a photo or two when I get the time. I have a couple of pear whips that are covered in blossoms.
That's incredible on such a small tree. I can only imagine how many pears it will produce when it gets a little size.
Here is what that tree looks like today. So far, so good I would say. All 14 trees I planted from Turkey Creek look like this. I'm very happy with them!

I have been lucky with nice timely rainfall this spring. Hopefully it will continue. Not included here is the nice rain that we got early this morning ... and calling for perhaps more showers tonight.

Dang those are nice timely rains! We have been a little too wet here lately. Right around 6" in the last 2 weeks, thats about 25% of our yearly precipitation. Hard to tell if it will continue or we will just go bone dry, around here you never know! I am ready for some sun.
Its been good so far. We've been a little drier, but still getting some rain. This one has liked the rain and sun. It has put on lots of new growth and has shot up to the top of the 5' cage.

Here is from about a week ago. We've had quite a wet July. I'm hoping the outstanding growing conditions we've had all year will get these trees well established. I also have more trees on order from Turkey Creek for next Spring's planting! :cool:

They look really good!
Here is from about a week ago. We've had quite a wet July. I'm hoping the outstanding growing conditions we've had all year will get these trees well established. I also have more trees on order from Turkey Creek for next Spring's planting! :cool:

That looks like an old Ford in the background. I have my FIL's 861 & 641. With some repairs their still running strong after 60+ years.
You are correct. That is my Ford 641. Very strong and reliable worker.

Here is a video of the boy mowing with it.

Here is why everything is growing so well this year. This is plum crazy. Glad I planted a bunch of trees this Spring. They are all getting a very good start!!

I would be happy with a 1/3rd of that! Looks like you have had some big rain events.
I would be happy with a 1/3rd of that! Looks like you have had some big rain events.

Its been a great year for those Turkey Creek trees!!
Geez we haven't had near that. Hot & dry here in W MI. :'(