Awnless Wheat

I'm less concerned about it surviving the Winter than I am it just getting covered in six inches of hard crusty snow during gun season. If it doesn't come back in the Spring, no big deal. But in my limited experience, as soon as my WR was well covered, the deer gave up on it. But, they'll dig for a turnip. Just for grins, I'm adding a poud of Kohlrabi to the brassica mix this year.
I grew kohlrabi one year... I'll be interested to see your results with it. Please post how it does for you next spring.
I need to keep working on the PH....
I hear that sulfur can be pretty important to controlling some weeds... :)
I grew kohlrabi one year... I'll be interested to see your results with it. Please post how it does for you next spring.
What were your results? I figured if I can grow softball sized turnips, I should be able to grow some of these too.
What were your results? I figured if I can grow softball sized turnips, I should be able to grow some of these too.
I didn't like them and neither did the deer. They rotted. But, to be honest I seldom have deer eat anything brassica related other than radish tops (which they love). I've planted all sorts of brassica's for many years and only seldom does a turnip get a bite taken out of it.

You may have something on sd... he is a cat lover and speaks of the evils of grid electricity.
Grid electricity at deer camp is Satan's umbilicus.

Anyway..... sorry to the OP for derailing this thread.... we can carry on somewhere else.
Thanks to all for the info. I even got some info I didn't ask for:emoji_sunglasses::emoji_sunglasses::emoji_sunglasses::emoji_sunglasses:.
I hear that sulfur can be pretty important to controlling some weeds... :)
Absolutely. This is why clover is lost to the grasses after only a few years. Grass rolls on in low S environments. Your legumes are the one legged man in an ass kicking contest when they don't have sulfur.
Absolutely. This is why clover is lost to the grasses after only a few years. Grass rolls on in low S environments. Your legumes are the one legged man in an ass kicking contest when they don't have sulfur.

Tell me about the Barley now please.
What's crazy is the amount of gypsum I spread on my clover plots last yr... and the fact that I have a whole plot of awnless spring barley planted that's currently doing great!

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Tell me about the Barley now please.
When all else fails it's your spring mercenary when it comes to short seasons. I like it because you can go from sprouted to mow-killing in a very short period of time. So if your plots are still supporting tadpoles at the end of May like mine are, you could come in with barley in early June and then throw/mow brassicas by mid July and lay that wonderful duff right on top of it. If you mow it just right, there's a good chance you could still top dress with AWW and forage oats by August 10th
When all else fails it's your spring mercenary when it comes to short seasons. I like it because you can go from sprouted to mow-killing in a very short period of time. So if your plots are still supporting tadpoles at the end of May like mine are, you could come in with barley in early June and then throw/mow brassicas by mid July and lay that wonderful duff right on top of it. If you mow it just right, there's a good chance you could still top dress with AWW and forage oats by August 10th

I planted winter barley for the first time this past fall. Frow what I could tell just from observation the deer liked it more than WW or WR . It is just starting to head out now. I will take some pictures in a few days befor I put my plots in. If it ever stops raining that is.