ATV seeder


5 year old buck +
I'm looking for an atv seeder. Don't want to break the bank, but don't want a piece of junk either. I would really prefer it to be a front mount, which seems to be hard to find. Anyone have a front mountable one that they are happy with?
Thanks, Mark
Don't have a front mount, but have been using this pull behind for 5 years and very happy with it for the price (got it on sale for $125). Only issue is if you turn to quick it can flip with too much weight in it. I use it for pellet lime, fert, and seed and have spread over 15 tons of pellet lime, and 4 tons of fert with it.
I already have a pull behind and a shoulder mount but getting tired of walking the plots and really would like to have it out front to see what's going on. These 65 yr old necks don't like to be turned around that much. lol
Thanks for the link. Do you think most models can be mounted on front or back?
I use an earthway m20. I suppose it is intended to be rear mounted but no problem front mounting it. I have a fimco sprayer mounted to rear. Allows me to see spread pattern and rate that way but can be a bit messy so i rigged some deflectors out of aluminum coil stock. Holds 50 lbs of lime,fert, or seed. Just be sure to clean it well after spreading lime and fertilizer. That stuff corrodes everything quickly.
I have used the Fimco spreader for 5 years now, been very happy. Just spread seed as small as clover & millet, then winter peas. Have spread 1000s of lbs of WR, soy beans, and UREA without any problem. Mines mounted on the rear, but with hardware, you could adapt to front. As it holds up to 99 lbs, need to make sure your front end can support.
Thanks for the suggestions.