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Artificial Intelligence


5 year old buck +
I was on a road trip for a wedding and to spend some time with my family yesterday. My granddaughters husband is a "computer guru"......seriously very computer knowledgeable. We had a discussion involving artificial intelligence (AI) which has been written and commented about allot on the news recently.

Then he pulled out his phone and opened his app called CHAT GPT. OMG! He told me to ask about having a term paper written about any topic I wanted. I told him I wanted a three page paper for a college course on the civil war that included Daniel Boone. BANG! Within a minute or so.....I had a concise detailed paper that read like a textbook and would certainly get me a high grade in college level work. We played with a few other topics with similar results. Then just spoke on the implications this could.....and is.....having today with so many folks that are fully aware of this recent technology.

Here is an article on this.....I'm sure there is far more.

This is freaking unreal. Not sure where the future leads....but AI is going to be a part of it.....or the end of it all. Crazy stuff here. Get to know it!
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Here is an intro video on AI. There is a WHOLE lot more. Not sure I want to go down this rabbit hole. None the is coming.....and more variations will follow quickly.

Me?.....I'm a bit scared to use a program like this until I know allot more. I'm told you can find allot of information on people, places, and history PDQ on this program. Scary stuff.

Yea I havent delved into at all, but a couple of business podcasts I listen to have referenced it as of late and they gave examples of how it is used. Sounds like it is here to stay, whether or not we intend to use it.
My wife has a masters Degree and works in education currently at the local Community College and my oldest boy is working on a bachelor degree we have had several discussions about this topic. I’m pretty worried about AI/robotics replacing many many jobs in the future most folks think of AI replacing blue collar jobs but more likely it will be white collar jobs that get replaced first as it will take more time for robotics to catch up with AI.
I'm safe for awhile........

The last ones the robots will take out are the people fixing the robots........

There are alot of overpriced employees doing basic paperwork. Making legal documents, accounting, etc....

My advice to the new kids is to get into a line of work that requires a professional license. They will be the slowest to adapt to AI.
My boy is in college. He had a teacher show him CHAT GTP. Impressive what it does. Right now I see it as a way to do less work and retain less knowledge. Not sure where it's headed. Kind of like math, there's no real need to know a lot when our phones can calculate anything you want.
I'm reading a Dean Koontz book about transhumanism that was published in 89. Nanobot tech. Fun book!
The one area I heard where AI could replace humans quick is coding. You should have asked your granddaughter's husband to ask ChatGPT to write a simple code to do something in the coding language of his choice. Once you have the code, you can ask ChatGPT to translate that code into other coding languages. There is no longer a need for coders to specialize in the various coding languages if AI can translate between them. There is no longer a need for coders if ChatGPT can code for anyone.

My sister got married on Friday and I caught up with a cousin who has been working in the AI space for years. He said he is just wrapping up his setup to have AI do option trading for him..

I’m concerned about what AI means for the future of humans..
Technology will lead to the downfall of civilization? Very possible that robots/tech replace too many jobs that people need to make a living. I think of wars being fought by the AI controlled bots and self driving tanks firing lasers at satellite guided "targets". Countries will be controlling the weather against each other and causing storms and drought or tsunami/hurricanes instead of actually nuking. Scary times.
Technology will lead to the downfall of civilization? Very possible that robots/tech replace too many jobs that people need to make a living. I think of wars being fought by the AI controlled bots and self driving tanks firing lasers at satellite guided "targets". Countries will be controlling the weather against each other and causing storms and drought or tsunami/hurricanes instead of actually nuking. Scary times.

On the other hand, maybe AI will finally be able to put the tubes vs. cages debate to rest.
The one area I heard where AI could replace humans quick is coding. You should have asked your granddaughter's husband to ask ChatGPT to write a simple code to do something in the coding language of his choice. Once you have the code, you can ask ChatGPT to translate that code into other coding languages. There is no longer a need for coders to specialize in the various coding languages if AI can translate between them. There is no longer a need for coders if ChatGPT can code for anyone.

Chat GPT, at least the version accessible to us commoners is gen 3 and it isn't that kind of AI. Chat GPT is a glorified Google search that compiles what it finds abundant on the interwebs. The version we have has bias like our news does because it takes a common thread to what it finds on the web. I did see a guy on Joe Rogan that showed where he caught GPT in a lie so he called it out and "it" said "sorry I won't do that again" so maybe more than we know. I haven't used it yet, just haven't had the time, but like any program, it only knows what inputs are given and can't discern the weight of a given subject. Covid would be a good scale, if you ask it if the vaccines are safe and effective it would probably say "yes", given the weight and amount of articles published verses the staggering sudden deaths, miscarriages, blood clots etc. realized globally.
I work with AI. If you aren't using AI to leverage your business or your job, you really should learn how. It will definitely replace a lot of jobs, and it will enhance many others. But it will also create a lot of jobs, like most new technologies do.

The implications for farming are immense. Farmers will be able to map an entire field with machines that run 24/7 and can identify individual plants and treat them according to their individual needs.
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I would think that AI should be able to do almost anyones income tax.....and for a far less cost than we pay today. It just becomes a matter of inputting some numbers.....and AI should be able to spit out a return.
Chat GPT, at least the version accessible to us commoners is gen 3 and it isn't that kind of AI. Chat GPT is a glorified Google search that compiles what it finds abundant on the interwebs. The version we have has bias like our news does because it takes a common thread to what it finds on the web. I did see a guy on Joe Rogan that showed where he caught GPT in a lie so he called it out and "it" said "sorry I won't do that again" so maybe more than we know. I haven't used it yet, just haven't had the time, but like any program, it only knows what inputs are given and can't discern the weight of a given subject. Covid would be a good scale, if you ask it if the vaccines are safe and effective it would probably say "yes", given the weight and amount of articles published verses the staggering sudden deaths, miscarriages, blood clots etc. realized globally.
The version of ChatGPT available to everyone most certainly can write code. I know several people that have used it to write code.

Saw this morning there is a portfolio plugin on chatgpt to work as an investment advisor.. might have to play with that.
The version of ChatGPT available to everyone most certainly can write code. I know several people that have used it to write code.

I would reiterate that it can re-write code or combine codes it can find on the internet. As your link shows it can "write the same routine in 12 top programming languages".

The advanced AI that can "think for itself" isn't available to us yet, it is in use but only to certain few, and those few called for a pause because it was going beyond what they expected. AI can be helpful and very beneficial.... but it depends on who is in charge of it. If anyone thinks our government 3 letter clandestine agencies wouldn't use this for nefarious purposes, I would call that person foolish and naive.
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