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Anyone else ordering trees this early?

Apple Junkie

5 year old buck +
I’ve been a day late and a dollar short so many times, I have finally changed my thinking to strike while the iron is hot! With that in mind, I can’t resist getting started on my tree orders for next spring. I’m not locked into Cummins, but I do like that I can select the rootstock and size of the trees I want to order, so I usually look there first. I’m still trying to restrain myself, but so far, I’ve got an Arkansas Black on MM.111, and a Chestnut crab on P.18 on order for next spring! I’ve got my eye on several others, but I think my mother’s admonitions not to eat all my Halloween candy at one time still lingers. Does anyone else order this early, or am I the only impatient one?
I’ve been a day late and a dollar short so many times, I have finally changed my thinking to strike while the iron is hot! With that in mind, I can’t resist getting started on my tree orders for next spring. I’m not locked into Cummins, but I do like that I can select the rootstock and size of the trees I want to order, so I usually look there first. I’m still trying to restrain myself, but so far, I’ve got an Arkansas Black on MM.111, and a Chestnut crab on P.18 on order for next spring! I’ve got my eye on several others, but I think my mother’s admonitions not to eat all my Halloween candy at one time still lingers. Does anyone else order this early, or am I the only impatient one?

Fencing, window screen, and soil prep might cost as much as the tree, so figure that into your budget. I need pel lime, sometimes water holding crystals, and often some gopher bait in the holes.

Plant only as many as you can do the right way..,

My two cents.

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I sent some scion to Small Chunk this winter and he grafted some trees for me. I am prepping some ground for these trees, so I guess I can say I ordered trees 15 months ahead of time!

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I’ve been a day late and a dollar short so many times, I have finally changed my thinking to strike while the iron is hot! With that in mind, I can’t resist getting started on my tree orders for next spring. I’m not locked into Cummins, but I do like that I can select the rootstock and size of the trees I want to order, so I usually look there first. I’m still trying to restrain myself, but so far, I’ve got an Arkansas Black on MM.111, and a Chestnut crab on P.18 on order for next spring! I’ve got my eye on several others, but I think my mother’s admonitions not to eat all my Halloween candy at one time still lingers. Does anyone else order this early, or am I the only impatient one?

I actually think that is a VERY VERY good idea. Get what you want and not worry about searching around next year. I am pretty much tapped out with regard to areas that I want to plant in fruit trees, but if not I would order some tonight :).

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I've got an apple tree order reserved for this fall with Cummins and a berry/nut tree,shrub pre-order for next spring with Coldstream Nursery.

Would like to find a source for a few Franklins on M111 but haven't seen anything anywhere listed yet.
I "finalized" my fruit tree list today as I had some free time, but will actually order in August when Turkey Creek starts taking orders.

Liberty x 2
Kerr crab x 2
Chesnut crab
(All on MM111)

Johnatorp x 2

I would like to add a Honeycrisp, but I can't figure out any place to put it.

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Guilty !!! I have 3 trees on order from Cummins for next spring. Another Goldrush ( delicious - can't have too many !! ), an Enterprise, and a Roxbury Russet ( I just want to try 1 Roxbury ). I'll have to look around for a place to put them. I got word a bear knocked a cage off one of our younger trees this week and broke the tree off - so I can plant one of the 3 on order in that spot. I HATE BEARS !!!
Fencing, window screen, and soil prep might cost as much as the tree, so figure that into your budget. I need pel lime, sometimes water holding crystals, and often some gopher bait in the holes.

Plant only as many as you can do the right way..,

My two cents.

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I could not agree more sandbur. I've usually stake out new locations and spray Round-up to kill the existing vegitation 6 months prior to planting, and I always have metal posts and fencing wire ready to be cut into cages at a moments notice. Like you, I learned if ya give these trees a little care early on, they do much better over the long haul. Good points!
I've got an apple tree order reserved for this fall with Cummins and a berry/nut tree,shrub pre-order for next spring with Coldstream Nursery.

Would like to find a source for a few Franklins on M111 but haven't seen anything anywhere listed yet.
Good luck with the Franklins H2. Assuming it's legal, hopefully someone will order the minimum order from Stark Bros. and re-sell in lower quantities. I think if someone does it, you will hear it here first!
Just waiting on Turkey Creek to post his available tree list!
Guilty !!! I have 3 trees on order from Cummins for next spring. Another Goldrush ( delicious - can't have too many !! ), an Enterprise, and a Roxbury Russet ( I just want to try 1 Roxbury ). I'll have to look around for a place to put them. I got word a bear knocked a cage off one of our younger trees this week and broke the tree off - so I can plant one of the 3 on order in that spot. I HATE BEARS !!!
I'm following your lead Bows, along with the rest of the crowd here. I have both a Goldrush and Enterprise in pots now, ready to transplant to camp orchard this fall. I hate bears in the orchard too!! Last year I had one apple lovin' bear, this year it looks like I have 3!
I dump chicken manure on the planting spot easily a year ahead of time and occasionally freshen it with a fresh shovel full here and there when it looks to be breaking down.
A.J. ^^^ - post #11 - At least once the trees get to that size, they're pretty much safe from total destruction from bears. They can still do some damage, but usually the tree survives. The trick is growing them up to that size in one piece !!!
I’ve got Goldrush in my spring order too thanks to Bows!
^^^^^ Good deer apple for late season is a bonus to me - Goldrush's taste is so outstanding I'll be cramming as many of them down my gullet as I can handle from late October onward !!!
I have learned that placing an order at Cummins is your best bet. You can always adjust it as late as December/January. And you don’t have to pay right away it’s kind of like reserving the ones you want. Great system and great quality trees!!