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Adverse Event Data Analysis for COVID Shots


5 year old buck +
Guess I could have posted this in the mask thread, but felt it too important to be buried in the weeds on a thread already quite long.

Data is just too compelling not to share.

The Florida Surgeon General just released Florida's VAERS (adverse event) data. He started with a chart that showed the level of reported adverse events for all shots given in Florida for over a decade.

If anyone thinks the increased reports corresponded to the spike in amounts of shots given, they did not.

There was a 400% increase in shot administration versus a 1,700% increase in adverse events reported.

Reports of actual life-threatening conditions increased by 4,400%.

Such a dramatic increase in events was NOT seen during the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign.

The shots correlate with an excessive risk of life-threatening events including coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell's palsy, and encephalitis.

The risks of serious events was 1 in 550, dramatically higher than with previous vaccine efforts.

Adverse Events Reported.jpg
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I am right down the middle on this. I got the vaccine but hoped many would not. My opinion on this. VAERS is a self reporting system. My next door meth cooking drug addict neighbor could self report his drug addicted, no toothed, starving wife, dying a month after receiving the vaccine. Chances are very good the vaccine would have nothing to do with the cause of death.

I am 67 years old with a degree in a science related background. My wife was a high school science teacher for 30 years. My son is a medical Dr and my daughter is a QC chemist and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the country. Prior to 2021, I had NEVER heard of or read the acronym VAERS.

Do I believe the covid vaccine is responsible for some side effects - yes - for sure. Was I so naive when I took the vaccine that I thought there would be no chance of side effects - no. I would guess there was a large increase in the generally public self reporting in 2021 because 99.9 percent of us had never heard of it before then.
I am right down the middle on this. I got the vaccine but hoped many would not. My opinion on this. VAERS is a self reporting system. My next door meth cooking drug addict neighbor could self report his drug addicted, no toothed, starving wife, dying a month after receiving the vaccine. Chances are very good the vaccine would have nothing to do with the cause of death.

I am 67 years old with a degree in a science related background. My wife was a high school science teacher for 30 years. My son is a medical Dr and my daughter is a QC chemist and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the country. Prior to 2021, I had NEVER heard of or read the acronym VAERS.

Do I believe the covid vaccine is responsible for some side effects - yes - for sure. Was I so naive when I took the vaccine that I thought there would be no chance of side effects - no. I would guess there was a large increase in the generally public self reporting in 2021 because 99.9 percent of us had never heard of it before then.

Totally agree with every point made, and as shared in previous threads pretty much was my same exact thinking when I got the shot... being over 50 I felt the risk-benefit analysis warranted it.

Above shared, and don't think this runs counter to anything you said, my thoughts at the time were a far cry from advocating mandates / taking away the freedom of choice for an entire work sector of the country as well as schools requiring children at very low statistical risk of serious disease to receive covid shots.

The data regarding greater risks of myocarditis for the young than those experiencing the disease and coagulation/stroke issues appearing statistically higher for the elderly is moving me to re-evaluate things though. I'm hoping sooner than later, hospitals and some universities will dig much deeper into outcomes as time is passing among those who've received the shots and those who opted not to do so.... but... talk about a political hot potato as well as one that the shot manufacturers aren't eager to fund.

Also have been dumbfounded by the forced silence on social media regarding natural immunity, a quite scientifically well-understood process. It's almost as if natural immunity has been painted as some whacko holistic thing, versus a clearly understood cellular-level function... and can't help but question the motives.

I'm admittedly a bit crazy in the head sometimes (volunteer jarhead service for example 😂) but I actually was HAPPY when I first got covid in the summer of 2021 on the heels of my shot. I was sad the shots didn't prove to have a sterilizing effect but knew that my immunity system was naturally boosted once recovered.
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The total adverse event data is easily explained. A lot more people, especially adults, got vaccines than any time before. That has zero value in vaccine risk analysis.
My next door meth cooking drug addict neighbor could self report his drug addicted, no toothed, starving wife, dying a month after receiving the vaccine. Chances are very good the vaccine would have nothing to do with the cause of death.
There is also less than 1% chance that any adverse side effects or deaths ever get reported.

"Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of
ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events
and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or
slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New
surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed."

Nothing changed since Harvard did the study above in 2010, no policy changes or new legislation at all. Vioxx killed 30-50,000 people and none of those were reported in VAERS, yet some seem to think they are overcounted. VAERS is the only system for reporting adverse drug and vaccine effects. It is fair to conclude that they continue to tell us to simply trust the FDA to only release safe products without any real way to track the safety because they don't want us commoners to know the truth.
There is also less than 1% chance that any adverse side effects or deaths ever get reported.

"Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of
ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events
and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or
slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New
surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed."

Nothing changed since Harvard did the study above in 2010, no policy changes or new legislation at all. Vioxx killed 30-50,000 people and none of those were reported in VAERS, yet some seem to think they are overcounted. VAERS is the only system for reporting adverse drug and vaccine effects. It is fair to conclude that they continue to tell us to simply trust the FDA to only release safe products without any real way to track the safety because they don't want us commoners to know the truth.
One thing that was for sure overreported is covid deaths. You could have died of a gunshot in 2020, but if they tested you and you were positive you were a covid death. That has improved since then.
I know family and friends with adverse Covid vaccine reactions. Myocarditis, major rashes and migraines. This is in my small town of 1300 people .

I can’t imagine the numbers worldwide ?!

One elderly gal it ruined her life. It started 12 hours after the vaccine.
I know family and friends with adverse Covid vaccine reactions. Myocarditis, major rashes and migraines. This is in my small town of 1300 people .

I can’t imagine the numbers worldwide ?!

One elderly gal it ruined her life. It started 12 hours after the vaccine.
I have also seen 100s of elderly die from covid. That will ruin the ole life too.
I have also seen 100s of elderly die from covid. That will ruin the ole life too.
Where did see that ? There was 3 Covid deaths total in my county of 11,000 people. You saw hundreds ?
Where did see that ? There was 3 Covid deaths total in my county of 11,000 people. You saw hundreds ?
You might want to check your stats. Use this website. Click on all time cases and deaths. Smallest death total in a county in alabama was 39, with less than 11k people.

My state had over 20k deaths and my county had 2500. I saw 100s. Lots of info on covid has been distorted. The fact that covid killed a shit ton of people, especially early, is not one of those distorted facts. I’ve never seen so many sick sick people.

Where did see that ? There was 3 Covid deaths total in my county of 11,000 people. You saw hundreds ?
And I saw that with my own eyes. Them die.
A guess the CEO of our local hospital must be wrong . They must have died in other hospitals.

Whether they were vaccinated or not … did it matter ? Did the vaccine work ? Was it safe ? Right now more of the vaccinated are dying . It’d be interesting to know the death totals from vaccinated and unvaccinated?
How many recently?
It’s slowed down a bunch. Most vulnerable are vaccinated or have died, virus has become less virulent, and we know how to treat it much better. Thank God.
A guess the CEO of our local hospital must be wrong . They must have died in other hospitals.

Whether they were vaccinated or not … did it matter ? Did the vaccine work ? Was it safe ? Right now more of the vaccinated are dying . It’d be interesting to know the death totals from vaccinated and unvaccinated?

And I guess he was.
I think you are coming across as a big Covid shot proponent? There are serious problems with it, you have to know that .

If you trust it… go for it. Get a booster a day ?? Lots of vaccinated are dying suddenly and at a young age. All for pharma profits!
Mostly elderly,overweight,with multiple comorbid issues?
Yes, most were elderly and comorbid. But some weren’t. Early, it was attacking peoples, lungs, and it was hard to ventilate them. Strange strange virus.
Yes, most were elderly and comorbid. But some weren’t. Early, it was attacking peoples, lungs, and it was hard to ventilate them. Strange strange virus.
They make strange things in Chinese labs. Are you a bat or leak believer? I have graduated to purposely leaked.