Absolutely no work or maintenance on food plots this year


5 year old buck +
Hey everyone, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on here. I am going through the divorce process right now, since November of 17. I finally realized I was in a relationship with a very toxic person who only cared about herself and not the family. So, I ended it. Feels good to be excited about things again. I shot my first P&Y two years ago and truth be told, I wasn’t even excited to shoot him. A lifetime of drive and passion came into drawing that bowstring and I wasn’t even excited. I knew something was wrong then but I didn’t know what. Well, I figured it out and even after all the crap that will happen at the final hearing I am so much happier and so is my young daughter. We have consistent peace in our home now and enjoy all the time we have together.

It took a long time to get the energy to do normal things. It took even longer to do something fun again and feel the “fun” factor. I’ve had more fun this summer than the past 7 years combined in that relationship and I can’t even do much financially like I am used to, as all my resources are strapped and tapped lol. My ex makes more money than me, so she will have to support me! That’s a win for guys everywhere.

Anyway, with no resources this year, no truck (she took it and the payments and I’m driving the paid off van haha) my foodplots I planted last year in winter rye and clover actually look really good. There are weeds yes, but I can’t do nothing about them. I remember one year I didn’t maintain them in 08 I had wildlife galore in there. So this will be a good test this year and I can’t wait to report on it.

Here are a few pictures from two weeks ago.


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Congratulations!!!! You made the right choice. People that stay together "for the kids" are doing everyone in the household a disservice.

As for the plots I dont think you'll have anything to worry about. It would be nice If you were able to mow them. It looks like you have a whole lot of "free" seed there. I bet there were/are doe and fawns in there on a regular basis
Glad to see you landed on your feet and all is working out!
Plots look good, makes me want to go bunny hunting!
Thanks you guys. That means a lot.

The trail is a little close to the stand.....


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Beyond blessed to have been with my high school sweetheart about 30 years now, but have had enough friends go through rough times to appreciate the twisted humor behind this song... truly hope you keep finding more joy on the other side of the divorce!

I have intentionally done this in a few plots this year. I think our constant activity in plots can discourage deer use. I also think the deer feel safer with some "cover" in the plots. I had to mow a few areas to be able to take care of some smaller trees and when I did the clover bounced right back. I don't think you will have much issue and you may even see an improvement from a hunting perspective. Glad to hear your "happy" again.....if your not happy there is no way you can make others happy.
Wishing you the best in life. Glad things are better for you!
Looks to me like "you" and your plots are in a better spot!

I have some switch grass and clover plots that look like that on purpose. Critters feel good with high grass around them.
Glad to have you back on the site and to hear that things are looking up for you. I wouldn’t worry about the weeds in the clover. A lush weed free plot looks nice for pictures but the deer don’t care.
It looks like this might be working! I haven’t had a buck over 1.5 in the plots in 3 seasons before October 20th! This is the only picture I have of him, but the cameras have been out for only 3 days. They are easy to check and I check one property on Thursdays and the other on Tuesdays. He’s not huge but he’s getting me excited. Feels good.


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