A pic I just got of Kickers, he made in through the gun season


5 year old buck +
This is the only buck I would shoot this fall and he has alluded me so far. Glad he made it through the gun season and I am pretty sure he is using my 20 acre west ridge as his home. I hope the snow we just had and colder temps will bring him into my brassica plot. Has anyone else only hunted one buck. I tell you it is tough and I don't know if I would do it again.
I have hunted one buck all year, have not seen him in the daylight yet. But we do have over a month left. But I ain't stupid either, if another good deer comes by, I am shooting.
He's a dandy! =) good luck!
He's a brute.
Can't say I've hunted just one buck but I did (do) have one I wanted to lay eyes on. Haven't gotten a pic of him since mid Oct so he may be in a freezer. I've got more hunting to do but already accepting tag soup. Been getting regular daytime pics of one really good buck. I'm probably insane but I don't want to shoot him. Something tells me if he lives he'll be around next fall and we can get on him early.
Never hunted just one. Usually have a small list of 2-3 that I will pull the trigger on. That is a beauty.
I have and then I have another just too good to pass up.The other time I killed him.But for the last 3 I've been trying to pattern 1 and I thought after last year he would be alot more visible this year as sometimes they get when older but he went to less than last year.He's at least 6.5 this year .Hunting 1 buck is fine,just don't let it take the fun out of it
I hunted one buck for two years straight and it is different. I never laid eyes on that deer, my son did once about 15 minutes after daylight with a smoke pole in his hand.

The buck was never harvested that I know of. He would have scored 150 to 155 and in my county that is a great deer.

Your deer has a beautiful and unique rack. Buckdeer is right - don't forget to have fun. You are match wits with a wise survivor - he is a full-time deer and you are a part-time deer hunter.

Your advantage - he has to be perfect - you just have to be patient and right one time.

Thank you for sharing the pictures - 99% of us never have a deer of that caliber on the ground we hunt.

I sure hope we get to see your hands around those super antlers. ;)
