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A few wild apples.


5 year old buck +
Here are two wild trees on our place, I have been pruning on the small tree for about 4 years now. The small tree drops mid october and is a fairly sweet apple, the big tree seems to only bear every other year, but is loaded when it does fruit, it drops a bit earlier and is a tart apple, which makes some good apple crisp. The apples dont stay on the ground long untill the deer clean them up. I found another tree 2 weeks ago and released it from thick brush, i am anxious to see if it bears and what the apples are like.

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Nice looking apples in that last picture.
Mahindra - Centre County, correct ??? My camp is 1 hour N.E. of you. Nice looking apple trees.
Very nice!
I wish I had some wild fruit tress on my place. There's a wild crab apple of some sort right on my west boundary fence line but that's the only one I know of. Can't wait till spring so I can see if there's more that I don't know about.
Mahindra - Centre County, correct ??? My camp is 1 hour N.E. of you. Nice looking apple trees.

I am in Bedford county, but i work in Centre county a lot.
Nice looking apples in that last picture.
Thanks, I just wish it would bear like that every year, One year it is like that, the next will only have a dozen apples.
They look great!

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My son and I took advantage of the warm weather today and got two more of my seedling apple trees planted, i plan on grating most of them. He came home from the store with his own shovel yesterday.

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I did some pruning on some surrounding trees today to let some more light into this wild apple tree, a lot of the apples from this tree roll down into a thorny ditch and just rot and never get eaten, i made an apple catching stone wall today, some will fall beyond, but this should keep the majority from rolling down.

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The mature apple trees on my land are absolute game magnets. Deer, turkeys, grouse and bear are all known to stop under them when the apples are dropping.
Same with our mature apple & crab trees. ^^^^ It's like candy.
I found this apple tree in some really thick stuff not 20 yards from a ladder stand late this winter. I have been hunting that stand for two years, and just now noticed the tree. It was being choked out by vines and brush, i did some pruning, and released the tree i checked it today, and it has lots of blossoms, I'm really anxious to see what the apples are like.

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Very cool find !! ^^^^
Thanks, I found yet another apple tree today that is being choked out by grape vines, but is in blossom, i forgot to snap a pic.
An update on the wild apple tree from a few posts up, while it is by no means loaded with apples, it has kept pretty much every apple it has made through out the season so far, as choked out as this tree was i am thrilled that it has apples the first season that i released it, another apple tree 40 yards away has dropped every apple early due to pests, these show little insect damage.


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Looks like a good find. With just a little TLC an apple tree can come back and give you a nice crop.
Thats for sure, i have also released many wild pears from the brush with great results.

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This wild apple is fairly loaded, although it has been more loaded in the past, it usually drops early October.

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