A Calming Wave has Swept the Debris Away Today ...

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Important decisions to support our constitution and way of life occurred today ... fill your plots with garlic.

How many of you understand why our legal system was written why it was to avoid trial by fire (Salem Witch Trials)?

Any of you with good hard wood that be sharpened into strong stakes start building them.

The vampires will not go away ... get ready! :emoji_wink:
How many of you understand why our legal system was written why it was to avoid trial by fire (Salem Witch Trials)?

For now, innocent until "proven" guilty still reigns.
I hope this fiasco caused some to seriously consider the loss of logic based legislation to emotional legislation.

My wife doesn't really pay close attention but having a father, husband, 2 sons and a grandson she was down right appalled by this spectacle....hopefully she's not a one off.
Politics aside - because some of the impending decisions ( if you're a student of judicial records ) will affect ALL PARTIES - I can only wonder how comfortable and smug we'll all feel when insurance companies will win the day AND future when coverage for pre-existing conditions will be voted away. This will affect not only us, but our children & our grandchildren. How many "FREEDOMS" will be taken away from avg. Americans by a country and government that proclaims " Liberty and justice for all " ………….. but means it if you're filthy rich and have the right connections.

I'm a second amendment supporter, but I can only wonder how many times we'll PAY for our guns ( monetarily ) by nightmarish medical bills and possible financial ruin when we, or a family member comes down with some serious medical condition. These conditions affect us ALL, regardless of political affiliation. So when this situation hits …………. and it WILL, will we shout, " THEY can't do that !!" …………… when we allowed it to happen ??? Will we be able to look our children & grandchildren in the face and say, " I didn't support that."??

And for all those shouting "victory" for laws ……………. how about Mitch refusing to even give a hearing on Merrick Garland when Obama nominated him ?? Any sitting President has the right to nominate someone for the Supreme Court. But Mitch pontificated that "The NEXT president should be the one to nominate". No Congress in history refused to even start the process. Where is the LAW that states Congress has the undisputed right to ignore any president's nominee ?? Where was the legal process followed in that case ??

I firmly believe - the "sword of victory" will eventually come around to lop off our heads. The smug will answer ……….. " It'll never happen " ……..... but that uneasy feeling of lost medical coverage will creep in …...….. like smoke.
Dude, relax, the only thing anyone is celebrating is the fact that a man isn't found guilty from unsubstantiated accusations. Everything else aside, as a father of young men, that's worth celebrating to me.
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Is this not supposed to be an apolitical site?
Politics aside - because some of the impending decisions ( if you're a student of judicial records ) will affect ALL PARTIES - I can only wonder how comfortable and smug we'll all feel when insurance companies will win the day AND future when coverage for pre-existing conditions will be voted away. This will affect not only us, but our children & our grandchildren. How many "FREEDOMS" will be taken away from avg. Americans by a country and government that proclaims " Liberty and justice for all " ………….. but means it if you're filthy rich and have the right connections.

I'm a second amendment supporter, but I can only wonder how many times we'll PAY for our guns ( monetarily ) by nightmarish medical bills and possible financial ruin when we, or a family member comes down with some serious medical condition. These conditions affect us ALL, regardless of political affiliation. So when this situation hits …………. and it WILL, will we shout, " THEY can't do that !!" …………… when we allowed it to happen ??? Will we be able to look our children & grandchildren in the face and say, " I didn't support that."??

And for all those shouting "victory" for laws ……………. how about Mitch refusing to even give a hearing on Merrick Garland when Obama nominated him ?? Any sitting President has the right to nominate someone for the Supreme Court. But Mitch pontificated that "The NEXT president should be the one to nominate". No Congress in history refused to even start the process. Where is the LAW that states Congress has the undisputed right to ignore any president's nominee ?? Where was the legal process followed in that case ??

I firmly believe - the "sword of victory" will eventually come around to lop off our heads. The smug will answer ……….. " It'll never happen " ……..... but that uneasy feeling of lost medical coverage will creep in …...….. like smoke.

What insane ramblings did I just read....?

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Dude, relax, the only thing anyone is celebrating is that fact that a man isn't from guilty from a unsubstantiated accusations. Everything else aside, as a father of young men, that's worth celebrating to me.

Amen Bill. We narrowly avoided mob rule and thug intimidation forcing conviction by accusation upon us. That's a good thing no matter what way you swing. :emoji_relaxed:
Is this not supposed to be an apolitical site?

No specific rules against it. We just avoid it because it tends to flair tempers.

OP and my reply were not political as such. More like a sigh of relief that we still have one of the basic principles of any decent society which is innocence until proven guilty.

That simple principle should be celebrated regardless of which side of the isle one sits. Even from the middle of the isle or the ceiling.

Removed from what happened before or after. That principle is huge..
Huge is right! We are a Constitutional Republic and for that I am thankful!
Thank you once again to our Wisconsin brethren

your electoral votes put President Trump "over the top" of 270


Bill ... It was a team effort .... many grabbed an oar and rowed .... let's keep rowing (WINNING) .... :emoji_grinning:
Bowsnbucks, We're not going to lose any "freedoms". Most likely we will now be able to keep all our freedoms you know, the ones listed in the Constitution. As far as pre existing conditions, that is a health insurance issue and I don't believe that has anything to do with the Constitution. Now when the government tells you as a free citizen that you must buy their health insurance or else, well that's when the Courts need to rule properly on o freedoms. I don't believe anyone on either side of the aisle is suggesting a change to pre existing conditions to the regulated side of the health insurance industry.
First and foremost - I'm on the side of what's right - as in correct. I fully understand that no DNA proof exists to say Kavanaugh assaulted Ford. I'm not disputing that. ( And I know what this feels like because I once had a girl accuse me of being " all grabby & all over her " when I did no such thing. When her friends told me what she told THEM I supposedly did, I never spoke to her again. ) So I get the feeling of being wrongly accused. But all these women who have come forward in the past year or so aren't all liars either. Women in the workplace have been preyed on for decades by men in positions of power.

Second - I'm not foaming at the mouth with a hot temper. Both sides screaming at each other accomplishes what ?? Only name calling.

Third - When Gov. Mitt Romney in Mass. started the very same mandatory participation in health care in that state - why did no Republican from anywhere in the whole U.S.A. quickly condemn that move ?? No politician jumped on his / her soapbox to rail against Romney's plan. Forget politics ……….. look at the arithmetic. As it has been for decades, we ALL are paying for other people that have no insurance by our constantly rising costs of health insurance. Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and doctors aren't going to provide services for free. So if all people need health insurance, why shouldn't all people throw something in the pot ?? That's math - not politics. How much more do we all have to pay out because a large number of folks don't, or can't because they're paid so little ?? How many employers can't or won't offer health insurance ?? And because so many are uninsured, premiums keep rising, and employers are making employees pay more out of pocket. So we're ALL paying more to cover the uninsured - like it or not. The statistical mathematicians & economists who drafted the plan for "Obama-care" looked at the numbers - not the politics - to see what would best add more $$$ into the insurance system pool to cover most folks. It sure wasn't a perfect plan, and needed improvements, but numbers don't lie and they don't care about politics. The whole country was bitching about rising health care costs before Obama even ran for President. Offering "choices" that cover little more than the simplest of things won't solve the overall problems.

Kavanaugh's past judicial decisions have very consistently favored corporate interests. Individuals' cases are almost always declared "without merit". So who do you think he'll vote for when insurance companies lobby to get pre-existing condition coverage nixed ?? Or coverage for certain medical conditions and/or treatments ??

I noticed nobody here addressed the fact that Mitch thumbed is nose at the lawful right of any president to nominate a person to the Supreme Court. How was he abiding by the law ?? Never before in the history of our country has this happened. Laws apply to both / all sides, do they not ??

Ikeman from Texas - Is name-calling & inflammatory comments the best you can come up with ?? I don't hate you ………. why do you talk trash like that ?? My point ( of post #4 ) was that Kavanaugh will probably - based on his past voting record and public comments - vote in favor of insurance companies getting rid of coverage for pre-existing conditions. If that happens, ALL of us AND OUR FAMILIES will suffer - R, D, Ind., Lib., GP labels won't matter. I don't want to see that happen for any of us - regardless of political affiliation.

The Constitution & Bill of Rights guarantee the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. My pursuit of happiness would include health coverage for my family, their kids, and grandkids. Is that different for anyone here ??

No hate here …………… peace to all of you guys.
I am glad we have Kavanaugh on board!!!
Nothing I said was name calling or incendiary...

“Swords of victory, lopping heads, and creeping in like smoke” just sounds really “manifesto”-ish to me.

As far as pre-existing conditions are concerned..... I disagree wholeheartedly with you. Who on earth would blame an insurgence company for not insuring a house that had already burned, knowing they would have to retroactively pay for it. That is exactly what pre-existing conditions requirements do to medical insurers.

Being a higher risk equates to a higher cost to insure. That is how economics works. This idea of insurance covering EVERY little bump and bruise is a totally new idea. What happened to budgeting for the occasional cold, or pulled muscle, or injury.... things like that are expected to happen from time to time. Insurance was invented to cover the BIG things. If that was what it still covered, it would be very inexpensive.
Also, there is responsibility on the insured person’s part to plan. I know my family has medical issues, on both sides, so I proactively went into the open market and bought a term insurance plan. When I was still healthy... specifically so I could afford my insurance if something happened.

The best example of how I think medical care should be handled is viewable in the Lazer eye treatments. It is a HIGHLY skilled and difficult procedure using exceptionally expensive equipment. It was ridiculously expensive when it came out, but never got covered under insurance. That meant that providers of this service had to find ways to make their process cheaper, to stand out in the marketplace, to pioneer faster or safer methods to attract people’s business.... like any other business does. The end result of all this competition and innovation is that the procedure is now by far less expensive than ANY equivalently difficult/capital intensive procedure that falls under the realm of “medical coverage”

Moving TOWARDS capitalism, not away from it, is the way to have the highest quality and least expensive medical possible.government sucks at everything they do, therefore let’s have them in charge of as little as possible.

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The Constitution & Bill of Rights guarantee the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. My pursuit of happiness would include health coverage for my family, their kids, and grandkids. Is that different for anyone here ??

As long as you are willing to pay for your pursuit of happiness, and not expect others to pay for it, I am good with that.:emoji_wink:
There is nothing in the constitution on health insurance and it is not a basic right. It is an insurance plan that can be purchased, like all other insurance plans.
"Numbers don't lie" is the most hilarious part of this entire thread. Stats can be manipulated and used to "prove" either side of an argument. Obamacare was unconstitutional, no stats needed.

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