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6 PM Channel 4 News

Thanks Brooks. Nice job! Leslie looked to be in back pedal mode.
If I had know they wanted only 20 words I would have picked them very carefully.
My first words would have been, "Have you ever dated a bow hunter"......"want to start now?"

Just sayin.....

Easy big fella.......wrong deer.

If I had know they wanted only 20 words I would have picked them very carefully.

Yea, a little more time to this important topic would have been nice. But steps, and thank you for takin em! Keep up the good work.
Brooks-my wife and daughter said you did a good job. My internet connection is so slow I cannot view it.... maybe a bit later.
Good luck tomorrow and keep up the good word!
keep it cleaner mo. miss you
Good job Brooks. I know it's tough with all the editing to get your point across. I was on the news last fall for a story on colorblind corrective glasses and they make you go through a bunch of bs to end up with a short little clip.
The press has never gotten my messages right. I'd be careful using any tounge-in-cheeck comments or cliche's. Those usually get twisted.

A person needs to list talking points and stick to the script when dealing with the press. ;)
I thought it was a good segment. With how they edit the stories, you couldn't choose what got aired unless you only said those 20 words, and even then they'd probably cut it down from there.

Leslie looked like a deer in headlights. Too bad someone didn't whack her with their hunter's choice tag. (I keed, I just want her fired, not dead)
I told her deer go into winter with a 90 day fat supply. She said she did to. She must be running on fumes.