2015 NFL

That is why you don't bet on your own team.

Now, Chummer, I like ya, buddy, but them there are fighting words! :mad:;)

Pack has been "my team" since I was old enough to understand the word "football," as is the case with many WI born children, the good ones anyway ;) The Queen were by far my most not hated, but outright loathed team in the NFL. Growing up and through much of my adult life, the Queens were generally very good to out right great. At the same time, the Pack were bad to out right an embarrassment. Adding insult to injury, I was born in northern west central WI, just close enough to the Twin Cities for the Queens to be some of my classmates and buddies' team. The razzing was literally nonstop, even from a few of the teachers.

I agree with your assessment of the Queens. I saw them as a 7-10 win team, stealing a wild card, IF they got lucky. The Niners have just lost soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much talent and then a complete coaching change that I see them as an 8-8 team, IF they get REALLY lucky and I thought 4 wins was more likely. I still believe that they just aren't a good team, but they manhandled the Queens for 4 quarters. Road game or no road game, that was a really bad beat for the Queens and I still see them as a team on the rise (remember, they're coming from being a really, REALLY bad team)...They just laid a huge egg
Back in the day,;):rolleyes: I used to be an equal opportunity NFC Central/North "hater". I spread my "love" equally amongst the Bears, Lions, Vikes, and even the Bucs at one time. That was before moving to the "west coast" and being 10 minutes from MN. After listening to some of these idiot Qweens fans crow about how great their team was, is, and forever will be for the last 12 years, when in reality they have done nothing substantial from a filling their NFL trophy case standpoint since the team was pretty much founded, I channel all hate towards the Qweens now. Bears, pfftt! Lions? Usually end up being a bad joke by the seasons end, and the Bucs are not our problem anymore, so Qweens it is. I'm with you Steve! When I have a Vikings fan, who supposedly is a self-proclaimed "really knowledgeable guy" when it comes to football, look at me with a straight face in all seriousness and say "F#*k Vince Lombardi!",o_O? Yeah your a football genius. Anyone that would say something like that knows absolutely nothing about the game in my opinion. I know not all Qweens fans are like that, but a guy can only listen to morons like that spew rubbish for so long before "turning" on them.
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You can't judge a team by one game. The Niners came out aggressive and punched the Vikes in the mouth...much more physical.

Now this is the NFL, don't be surprised if the Vikes win at home and the Niners lose?

Look at the Colts, crushed by the Bills. Think the Colts won't rebound?

It's early '
You can't judge a team by one game. The Niners came out aggressive and punched the Vikes in the mouth...much more physical.

Now this is the NFL, don't be surprised if the Vikes win at home and the Niners lose?

Look at the Colts, crushed by the Bills. Think the Colts won't rebound?

It's early '
Ya u can. A 17 point loss in the nfl is a 30 point loss in college. Road or not, a playoff team doesn't get beat down like that.
Giving up 20 isn't bad in the modern nfl. Scoring 3 is an embarrassment!
Now, Chummer, I like ya, buddy, but them there are fighting words! :mad:;)

Pack has been "my team" since I was old enough to understand the word "football," as is the case with many WI born children, the good ones anyway ;) The Queen were by far my most not hated, but outright loathed team in the NFL. Growing up and through much of my adult life, the Queens were generally very good to out right great. At the same time, the Pack were bad to out right an embarrassment. Adding insult to injury, I was born in northern west central WI, just close enough to the Twin Cities for the Queens to be some of my classmates and buddies' team. The razzing was literally nonstop, even from a few of the teachers.

I agree with your assessment of the Queens. I saw them as a 7-10 win team, stealing a wild card, IF they got lucky. The Niners have just lost soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much talent and then a complete coaching change that I see them as an 8-8 team, IF they get REALLY lucky and I thought 4 wins was more likely. I still believe that they just aren't a good team, but they manhandled the Queens for 4 quarters. Road game or no road game, that was a really bad beat for the Queens and I still see them as a team on the rise (remember, they're coming from being a really, REALLY bad team)...They just laid a huge egg
Sorry for the insult. I didn't see how anyone but a fan could think they were going to be good. That being said the first two weeks of the season are the hardest weeks of the year to pick winners. They are both average teams that will have a chance to win when their QB's play well.
Sorry for the insult. I didn't see how anyone but a fan could think they were going to be good. That being said the first two weeks of the season are the hardest weeks of the year to pick winners. They are both average teams that will have a chance to win when their QB's play well.

You have to know this, but I was 198.3% kidding about being offended.

To me, 7-10 wins, max, needing breaks to steal a wild card isn't believing "they were going to be good." I agree that they should be "average" this year. I just think they have drafted well the last couple years, I like their head coach and see them as being a year, maybe 2 away from being a "good" team. My surprise was due to believing that the Niners will be really bad this year. With the ton of top talent personnel they lost and new staff, I don't anticipate the Niners being good enough to be considered "average." I know things happen and 1 game means next to nothing. The catch for the Queens is that I don't think they're good enough to steal many Ws from above average teams and believe they needed to beat the teams they should to stand any chance at stealing a wild card slot.
I dont know if anyone watched the Vikings game, but I can not recall one teddy toiletwater pass going more than about 10 yards down the field for the entire game. It is just really tough to watch. Should have drafted Carr, at least he lets it rip.
Funny, everyone was passing judgement after one game and now the Vikes just beat a playoff team from last year. Week 1 is the least reliable week of the entire season to predict how teams will do. As I type this the Seahawks are on pace to start 0-2. Let's let the season play out a bit.
Packers getting jobbed on a call in a game against Seattle again. I wonder if it will come back to haunt them in the second half. It is really a joy to watch Rodgers play QB. Glad to see him slicing up that piece of trash Richard Sherman.

As a matter of fact I do. My uncle went to Stanford and was roommates with Steve Young for a year and by age 35 he retired.
? Was for greta. Kudos u retired@35 buck.
Who cares if I know anyone who graduated from Stanford? I am not the one who has a problem with Sherman.
As a matter of fact I do. My uncle went to Stanford and was roommates with Steve Young for a year and by age 35 he retired.
Steve Young went to BYU.
I looked it up Chum, and it looks like you are correct. I always thought he said Steve Young, but maybe it was Elway. Havent seen the guy in about 6 years so I wouldnt know. They are California yuppy types and I doubt he cares much about FB. I know I heard them talk about some HOF QB all the time though.
2 and 1 after a dominant performance. Season is far from over boys.
I know I sound like a homer when I say this. But I feel the only thing in the NFC able to stop the packers is injuries. Otherwise I just don't see them being stopped. Now winning the SB is another story.
I am taking Viking arrest at 3 and under for the season only, and Peterson to father 2 more children in the next twelve months.

1 of 2 so far.
1 of 2 so far.
The best part was at the end of the story I just read where they say that this is the newest child along with him having "six other 'known' children." Classic, maybe he should join the NBA instead of the NFL.
The best part was at the end of the story I just read where they say that this is the newest child along with him having "six other 'known' children." Classic, maybe he should join the NBA instead of the NFL.

I read that and chuckled myself.

Heck, it could be worse. He could be like Antonio Cromartie of the Jets and have like 12 kids with 8 different women!
Ya u can. A 17 point loss in the nfl is a 30 point loss in college. Road or not, a playoff team doesn't get beat down like that.
Giving up 20 isn't bad in the modern nfl. Scoring 3 is an embarrassment!

Things are looking a bit different now...

Vikes win, pack loses by ____?

Read above comment?