1st bear bait station ever...

Hang a jug of honey with a small hole in it and let it run down the tree. That's what I used to kill my bear. I also had endless amount of bread from Country Hearth which we soaked in honey and agave sweetener. I've used meat which worked but it also brought in wolves which ended up ruining the bait site(bear vacated area). I also like the anise scent to spray trees around bait site.
I started baiting on the 4th. I have a couple of potential volunteers and a few small ones coming in. I am using sweetened pecans, salted bagel chips, gummy bears, chocolate pretzels, malted milk balls and I either mix in raspberry, blueberry, or strawberry filling. I also use liquid smoke.

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D#mn Ogema, I want to visit your baitpile! Your bears eat like king's! LOL
D#mn Ogema, I want to visit your baitpile! Your bears eat like king's! LOL

It's working, all the land around me is private. I am friends with all my neighbors and I am the only one with a tag this year around me. It helps being next to a swamp also
It's working, all the land around me is private. I am friends with all my neighbors and I am the only one with a tag this year around me. It helps being next to a swamp also
D#mn Ogema, I want to visit your baitpile! Your bears eat like king's! LOL

I also lucked out on getting all the bait for free this year.
I'm already waiting for the harvest pictures! LOL You will likely have a good chance at multiple bears in your situation, a good opportunity to be choosey and hold out for a big one.
We've had good luck buying bait in Rusk County that's a mix they call cookie dough. I don't know if it's really cookie dough or not, but it has the consistency of it and the bears love it. They sell it by the 55 gallon drum and we use that as the base and we mix some trail mix and gummy bears. Our land is on the northern area of the ag area, so there's a perfect mix of swamp, upland woods and ag fields. The bears pound the corn all season, but there's usually enough bears in the area that you'll have multiple bears visiting the bait site in daylight every day. The bears seem to like bedding right in the corn fields, so we've had good luck setting up bait sites bordering standing corn fields.
I used to put out something about 20 years ago to attract bears so we could video them and take pix. It combines grease AND smoke. I asked a butcher shop for the hides on the slabs of bacon when they trimmed them. The butcher would save 10 to 20 of them for me and I'd punch holes in the hides and hang them from tree limbs with wire. That smell was in the wind 24/7 and drew bears like kids to candy !! I wish we could bait here ...... that's what I'd hang out as bait for sure.;)