18 degrees, will this harm apple production?


5 year old buck +
hi to everyone! We had 18 degrees this morning and 23 degrees yesterday morning here in southern Wisconsin. Does anyone know if this will affect fruit production at this stage in their development? our weather has been quite warm the last month and things seem to be farther ahead than most years, otherwise I would not be concerned. the previous 2 years we were still having winter weather all spring until the month of May practically.
I am not sure where your trees are at as far us buds, but last weekend, mine where in the early stages of silver tip.
thank you all! Yes, not quite green tip yet, so we should be good, or at the worst, a 10% loss
Yep, had 8 degrees F this am. Not great.
Now’s a great time to have trees too young to bear. Kind of like the recent stock market crash didn’t really bother us broke people!

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Ditto ^

we had 21 degrees here this morning and most of our apple blossoms are at first pink or full pink. Does that mean we should expect 90% or more of the blossoms are killed now? How soon will I be able to tell? what are the signs to look for dead blossoms compared to live ones? I'm sure it will be obvious in a month or so once the fruit has set.
Below the pedals you will see a swollen ball, that is the Apple. If it turns black, it’s dead, if it stays greenish, it probably survived.

Some years lower 20’s seem to have little effect on my apples, others total loss. Hard to say. If you have a hard loss, just consider it a better growing year for the tree, because it will put its energy into growth, rather then fruit.
I had upper twenties this year when my two bearing apple trees were in full bloom. That was a month ago. Neither one is going to make an apple this year. The peaches and plums bloomed before that cold snap and they are OK.