1732 apple


5 year old buck +
I recently purchased what I was told a 1732 apple on doglo rootstock. Any info on it would be appreciated.
I have an Mn 1734.

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I also have Minnesota 1734 like Bur does. Never heard of a 1732.
I also have Minnesota 1734 like Bur does. Never heard of a 1732.

Any fruit on the 1734 yet? Much disease?

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Bur - No fruit yet. It was planted in 2016. I haven't seen any disease problems yet - only a few bug bites on the leaves. It's on the north side of a plot and gets loads of sun and air flow.
I recently purchased what I was told a 1732 apple on doglo rootstock. Any info on it would be appreciated.
Would you share where you purchased the MN 1732?
There is a PRI 1732-2. Early apple, scab resistant. I doubt it would be that but you can get scionwood for grafting from the USDA GRIN.