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  1. Joe Buck

    AberLasting White Clover

    We will be adding some chicory to it as well. We tried frost seeding chicory this early spring / late winter and did not have good results. In fact we can't find but a few plants. Hopefully it will do better when we overseed in August. Thanks for the advice!
  2. Joe Buck

    AberLasting White Clover

    Thanks to all of you for your response to Aberlasting White Clover. Since my first post I have talked to the Wildlife Specialist ( Jason Wenzel ) from Deer Creek Seed in Wisconsin. He has been growing it for 3 years now on his own plots in the Green Bay, Wis. area. Definetly much better soil...
  3. Joe Buck

    AberLasting White Clover

    I am in the Central Sands Region in Central Wisconsin.. Our soil is almost 100% sand. We currently have about 2 acres of Clover and Winter Rye. Clover is 9615- Med. Red Clover that has been doing okay for us. Have been doing some reading about AberLasting White Clover and thinking about adding...
  4. Joe Buck

    Frost Seeding Chicory

    We are in central Wisconsin Sands area. We currently have a total of approx 2 acres of foodplots that are all Med- Red Clover, some Ladino White clover and Winter Rye that we overseeded last fall with Throw and Mow. The overseeded Rye did not due well. Overseeded twice for a total of 400 lbs...
  5. Joe Buck

    Tossed Rye?

    Thanks Jack and Jasker you guys have been a big help. I failed to mention in my first post that we do not own this property and only lease it for hunting. Our farmer has let us foodplot in 2 acres of his 30 acre cornfield. It is about 2 hours away. My goal is 3 fold. 1) To improve the soil in...
  6. Joe Buck

    Tossed Rye?

    Thanks for your thoughts. Are you saying that just scratching the very top inch or so to bury some seed so the birds are not eating everything like jasker007 is suggesting is not going to work in T&MOW or am I misunderstanding?
  7. Joe Buck

    Tossed Rye?

    You would use the cultipacker in either case i'm assuming.
  8. Joe Buck

    Tossed Rye?

    Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. So you would recommend lightly discing and then cultipacking? I assume you meant not to try this in the middle of a drought?
  9. Joe Buck

    Tossed Rye?

    We started throw and roll this year and have had limited success in our central sands area in WI. even thou we have had plenty of rain. We planted brassicas July 27 and some areas of the 3/4 acre plot did well and other areas not so well. On Aug. 25 we overseeded 224# of W/R into the brassica...
  10. Joe Buck

    Brassica/ Red Clover Mixture Lbs. per acre.

    Trying Throw & Roll for the 1st time this weekend. Planting a brassica blend of Daikon Radish, PTTurnips , Winfred Forage Brassica, Sub Zero Forage Brassica and Pasja Forage Turnip from Deer Creek Seed in Wisconsin. Bag says to plant 5-9 lbs. per acre ( seems like quite a spread). Would like...
  11. Joe Buck

    Need Help With Trying Throw n Mow for 1st Time in Adams County, Wis.

    Thanks for the reply and picts. that helps alot. Our red clover & WR was planted last fall and frost seeded more clover this spring. While the clover is at least a ft. tall we had hardly any red blossoms. Not sure why, it looks really healthy, the WR is 5' plus and not super thick. They are...
  12. Joe Buck

    Need Help With Trying Throw n Mow for 1st Time in Adams County, Wis.

    Do you worry about to much cut material smothering existing clover?
  13. Joe Buck

    Need Help With Trying Throw n Mow for 1st Time in Adams County, Wis.

    Thankyou guys for your replies. We were planning on mowing the WR/Clover/ Weeds next week and overseeding with some Med. Red clover in thin spots. My question is what height to mow at and will there be to much cut material that it will smother clover that is left? Should we do in a couple of...
  14. Joe Buck

    Need Help With Trying Throw n Mow for 1st Time in Adams County, Wis.

    We would like to try throw and mow with some Brassica's and Winter Rye. We have an area 335 yds. long by 22 yds wide divided into two 11yd. wide strips. Area # 1 & 2 Area #1 - 3,685 Sq. yds. .76 acres Last fall we planted WR and Red clover in the strip...
  15. Joe Buck

    Exiting Food plots in the evening

    One of our larger food plots and adjacent cornfield is about 25 acres. We have numerous stands around the field and have a hard time getting out of there in the evening. We have private property on 3 sides that we can't exit from. The other side is our woods and swamp where many of the deer are...
  16. Joe Buck

    Red clover

    Thanks for the info, I appreciate it
  17. Joe Buck

    Red clover

    Tree Spud, I drive through Marquette County on our way to our hunting land. Where are the co-op's located that you are dealing with and what are their names if I may ask. Thanking you in advance for a reply.
  18. Joe Buck

    Wolf Pictures ?

    We sure would like to meet you sometime this year, even if its for a drink at a nearby bar or restaurant. My son and I are going up for the opening Sat. 15th. We could meet you some where Sat. night if you would like. Just name the place. We'll find it. I'm not sure this is the way to do this on...
  19. Joe Buck

    Wolf Pictures ?

    Thanks for the reply Bueller. I know you are not to far away and maybe that is a possibility as well. We had a lot of winter rye & winter wheat available for them this spring and they ate it to the ground. Not quite sure want the problem is but we have a lot of coyotes as well. I do know we...