Search results

  1. Buckhunter10

    The transition as a land manager

    I have been active on these forums for years (I think over a decade on a few). Over the years, I have met so many wonderful people. I have learned from numerous folks and had opportunities I could have never imagined come from simply joining and meeting like-minded folks online. As I have been...
  2. Buckhunter10

    Cab tractor with buddy seat 65+

    Hey all - For years I have been planning on upgrading to the Kubota M4 73hp with full cab - planting 20+ acres a year and having a little boy, I wanted to take advantage of the buddy seat offering as well. I have owned Kubota for years and my dealer is AWESOME! Well - I recently talked to...
  3. Buckhunter10

    Apple tree growth

    Well I have grown several small orchards between the farm and the house. Well this is one behind the house the house I am just blown away by how much it has grown. This tree was planted this past March, it is a gold rush or jona-free from Stark Bros nursery. I did have this tree in a tube for...
  4. Buckhunter10

    Ohio Farm Tours

    This is my new thread. I am going to do an update on home 7, and the SE Ohio farm in the same thread. I live on 7 acres in northern OH, that just sit in the right area. I have chased some great deer on this small property in the past year. Over the past 10 years, I have worked my tail off to...