Search results

  1. Terrific_tom

    What's the best cellular cam for video?...& a decent cam mount I came across

    I have really good cell signal at my land. Almost all my video requests go thru. Also I very rarely miss any pics getting sent. But you are correct, every cell cam working properly is dependent on a good cell signal.
  2. Terrific_tom

    What's the best cellular cam for video?...& a decent cam mount I came across

    Video request sample from an Tactacam Reveal XB al
  3. Terrific_tom

    Propane heater

    My son works for propane company, when I discussed installing a line from outside blind to inside deer blind. He said to run copper line with a shut off inside blind. Said rubber hose will deteriorate over time if left to the elements. Also chance a critter could chew on it.
  4. Terrific_tom

    Porcupine control

  5. Terrific_tom

    Tractor pics?

    A few pics of my L3301.
  6. Terrific_tom

    Snapshot Wisconsin

    A lot of the things your cousin experienced were covered in the online training that the program had before they give you a camera. They stressed not placing camera in front of some thing that would attract or concentrate deer. The program is not just for deer but to gather info of multiple...
  7. Terrific_tom

    Snapshot Wisconsin

    Snapshot Wisconsin is a cool program. Been in it for over 5 years now.
  8. Terrific_tom

    RR Sugar Beet Seed

    I planted mine in late May. They germinated well, but then came the drought. We finally got rain in mid August. I gave them a good shot of nitrogen fertilizer and they came on strong, making grapefruit size bulbs. Deer are srill pawing in snow and dirt to get at them.
  9. Terrific_tom

    RR Sugar Beet Seed

    Is there any RR sugar beet seed available this year?
  10. Terrific_tom

    Everything Attachments doors locked

    Sounds like the owner was taking excessive amounts of money out of business to build a few mansions.
  11. Terrific_tom

    Berseem, Balsana, Arrowleaf clover

    Alsike might be a good one for your heavy clay.
  12. Terrific_tom

    White Sweet Clover Planting Conditions?

    Here you go.
  13. Terrific_tom

    Wisconsin legislators author bill to reduce doe harvest in Northern Zone

    It will end up like the 70's and 80's where all that was available for bucks were 1.5 year old spikes and forks.
  14. Terrific_tom

    Wisconsin legislators author bill to reduce doe harvest in Northern Zone

    I can agree with no does for some of the northern counties but not all of the counties in red on map. Our land is in Langlade county, 1 mile from Marathon county and 1 mile from Shawano county. There are plenty of does in our area. The deer completely ate 8 acres of food plots to the dirt. The...
  15. Terrific_tom

    Gun Cleaning Solvent?

    M-pro 7. Works great and it is odorless.
  16. Terrific_tom

    June planting brassicas?

    Here is a pic of forage collards end of June planted Memorial01162700510.html weekend.
  17. Terrific_tom

    June planting brassicas?

    As Foggy said. Forage collards can be planted in May and grow the whole season without bolting. 2 things you will have to deal with are weed control and fertilizing during the growing season. You will have to fertilize at least once maybe twice as collards are growing. There are also some kale...
  18. Terrific_tom

    Blind moving trailer?

    Look for an single place snowmobile trailer on facebook market place.
  19. Terrific_tom

    Multiple Tactacams?

    If you get a 2nd camera, you have to put it on same plan. The 2nd camera is 96.00 for unlimited if you pay by the year. When adding a 2nd camera they will pro rate the charge on it till your 1st cameras payment is due again.