Recent content by D Hunter

  1. D

    Best software for managing photos?

    Sorry but it don't play nice with apple. This one is a no go. Any other suggestions. Thanks for sharing anyway. "D"
  2. D

    Best software for managing photos?

    I have been saving photos for a long time. I have to get more organized. Have literally thousands of pics. Most of them are not noteworthy. My Mac wants me to load them all in order to loot at them in full size. Then I have to take the time to go back and delete all those pics that are not...
  3. D

    Clethodim and young clover?

    I have a plot with lots of rye and warm season grasses that I want to convert to a clover/ chicory plot. I have some chicory and clover in it now and have frost seeded red clover a couple weeks ago. Will it hurt the new young clover to spray clethodim to kill out the warm season grasses in a...
  4. D

    What chicory varieties work best?

    I have used the oasis from welter and it seems to do great and deer love it starting in late summer until late fall. It seems to compete well with clovers. Durana did well in WNC for a year or so and then we had warm wet summer (wet and rainy for several weeks) and mold seemed to take over...
  5. D

    The Throw n’ Mow Method

    How long ago was the lime applied? If you have a lot of organic matter on top and lime recently applied I would till it in. It will take a long time for the lime to work itself in. Lime is key in most acidic soil. Do you have a soil test? "D"
  6. D

    Small beetles in the brasicas?

    Permithrin works quite well in my garden. Should work for you. "D"
  7. D

    Does clethodim have a residual?

    Specifically, can you seed rye and spray clethodim the same day and expect the rye to grow? Thanks "D"
  8. D

    Clethodim or wicking bar for grass in clover plot.

    We have several Durana plots that are getting run over with Johnson grass, crab grass and other grass we don't know the names of . Clethodim or wicking bar for the best solution? Thanks. D Hunter.
  9. D

    Lime ?

    I saw the name of your thread and chuckled a bit. Without reading the first line I thought the answer to most any question regarding lime is "YES" and "Now is a good time" :emoji_relaxed: "D"
  10. D

    Fertilizer or no fertilizer ...need answers asap

    My WNC plots that were in late clover, chicory and small burnett had very little except weeds in them as of February. In March I over seeded with the same. We are finally getting regular rain. Still ground water is low. Almost no water in our permanent small creeks. Going up today to see...
  11. D

    Frost seed red and white clover. Innoculant needed?

    Hey Jack, I hate to be persnickity, because you are a wealth of good information and I always enjoy your posts, but the organism that is symbiotic with roots of legumes is a rhizobacteria and not a ribosome. Ribosomes and bacteria are similar but do not perform the same function. I believe what...
  12. D

    If you could only plant one type of clover....

    I will have to say that I almost never plant a single kind of clover. I try to always plant a mixture of several kinds. Some annual and some perineal. I have had monocultures fail for one reason or another but planting mixtures are seldom a complete bust. So my favorite variety is called...
  13. D

    When to frost seed clover?

    In my area we get warm wet spells followed by hard cold. I can imagine that some of the clover might sprout and be trying to set up a root system in a warm spell and then get heaved right out of the ground by the freeze and then the cold winter wind drying out the small vulnerable root system...
  14. D

    1st post ever! How long will my plot last?

    Acorns may be a factor. The deer are just beginning to come to my food plots. Drought has set my plots back 2-3 months on development. Acorns were heavy this year at our place. Still there are lots and lots of them on the ground. Plenty for them to eat without my plots. Looks like you got...
  15. D

    1st post ever! How long will my plot last?

    Did the acorns hit this year for you? Nearby Ag? Lots of variables. Looks like you have food for a little while longer.