1 Walleye limit on Mille Lacs


5 year old buck +
Star Trib article on the new walleye limit on Mille Lacs Lake. One walleye!

Unbelievable how this great fishery has been destroyed. Another serious black eye!
Is it from the increased pressure from guys that are now fishing opposed to deer hunting?
And the night ban until December! A lot of traditions going down the drain.
Resorts are gonna really drop like flies now...
Who is going to go up there and spend a weekend to bring home a fish or two.... Its one thing if the limit was low and you could go out and still catch a bunch of fish....
The sad fact is that you cant even go out to enjoy catching walleyes just for fun.

My only reason to go up for a day will be for smallmouth.
Resorts are gonna really drop like flies now...
Who is going to go up there and spend a weekend to bring home a fish or two.... Its one thing if the limit was low and you could go out and still catch a bunch of fish....
The sad fact is that you cant even go out to enjoy catching walleyes just for fun.

My only reason to go up for a day will be for smallmouth.
Who will be left to buy these resorts but the tribe and the resorts will be off of the tax roll?
Who will be left to buy these resorts but the tribe and the resorts will be off of the tax roll?

I think someone (like Brooks) oughtta start a campaign to stop all gaming at the casinos.....until they stop with the spring spearing and any netting of walleyes. I say we should have the same rules for the tribe as for other Americans.
Ya know what else is really sad??? The big pussys that run Fishing Minnesota/ Hotspot Outdoors and Lake States Fishing censoring almost all the post having to deal with it. They are so scared to hurt anyone's feelings that it's laughable. I got the boot from FM for calling out meathogs and now I am in a TO with the LSF girls. I dont know how many more resources we are gonna allow the DNR to destroy cause they avoid science and make rules according to political pressure. I get so nauseated with people that operate entirely under the assumption that since the DNR allows them do something it is a good idea. All them bonus tags sure seemed to work out real good (insert sarcasm here). I hope this shithole anus cancer that is the DNR gets it clock cleaned in an audit.
Those lakes will keep falling like dominos. With Mille Lacs shut down and now Red, that pressure will show up elsewhere. Just like zone 1 hunters crossing into zone 2. Which lake will get it next?
Mille Lacs is a muskie/smallmouth lake now. I have heard from a few muskie fishermen that it is some of the best in the state. Even if the fishing was great there I still would go somewhere else. In my experience there are still a ton of good lakes to explore. The walleye, like the deer, is no longer the pinnacle of fishing in MN. In 15 years it will all be about bass and muskie. We have some really good bass fishing in the metro and if I ever decided to make the investment I might start chasing muskies. If you want to catch wallyes, go to LOTW or BWCA. Sag is the best walleye lake around right now.
My guess is Leech and Big Winnie will likely take on some of the fishing pressure. I have no problem with the tribes spearing anything, it was guaranteed in their treaty rights...provided they use equipment that was readily available when the treaties were signed. They want to trade them for blankets and fire water, fine, no selling to high end restaurants. They want to use a handmade dugout canoe and sharp sticks with a fiery torch in the other hand, more power to them. Spearing off the deck of a fiberglass bass boat or an aluminum deep-V with million candlepower spotlights or headband mounted lights and 5 prong metal spearheads only to sell the fish to high end markets in Chicago and other large cities, ummmm...not so much.
I just don't get these guys, you could see this coming from 100 miles away.

Start looking at other lakes! Many lakes still have a 6 walleye per day limit?


No sense in that 3 or 4 is plenty!
Pike limits are 3 per person..... WHY??
I can catch 3 in 3 minutes on most MN lakes...
Pike limits are 3 per person..... WHY??
I can catch 3 in 3 minutes on most MN lakes...

Yep.....and I don't keep ANY. The big ones are fun to catch....but that's as far as it goes for pike with me.
Pickled pike.... I make it by the gallon.....
If I had a garden, I'd band hammer handles along my sweet corn; as many as I could get my hands on.
Pike are pretty tasty deep fried..once you know how to get the y-bones out anyway
Pike have disappeared from our fisheries the last 20 years but we used to eat the bigger ones. They tasted great but were a pain to clean. I think the zebra muscles lead to their decline but the walleye, perch, and bass have flourished in their place.
Pike have disappeared from our fisheries the last 20 years but we used to eat the bigger ones. They tasted great but were a pain to clean. I think the zebra muscles lead to their decline but the walleye, perch, and bass have flourished in their place.
Mille lacs is full of zebras and it was a big pike Mecca every fall. I loved seeing 60 degrees forecasted pre rut and I grabbed the boat instead of the bow. 40 inch fish were a realistic expectation in October nov. But now we can spear and eat them.

Pike have disappeared from our fisheries the last 20 years but we used to eat the bigger ones. They tasted great but were a pain to clean. I think the zebra muscles lead to their decline but the walleye, perch, and bass have flourished in their place.
If we can believe the DNR data, zebra mussels have cleared the water in Mille Lacs, walleye numbers have declined, and northern numbers have increased. Walleye spawning time netting by tribes is another factor.

I did hear a report of one fishhouse averaging 100 walleyes per weekend this winter. Most of them were very small-a good thing for the future. About one fish per weekend was in the harvest slot.
Mille lacs is full of zebras and it was a big pike Mecca every fall. I loved seeing 60 degrees forecasted pre rut and I grabbed the boat instead of the bow. 40 inch fish were a realistic expectation in October nov. But now we can spear and eat them.

I heard new regulations are that you must have 2 smaller pike in the boat before you can keep a bigger one (over 30). New limits of 3. I have not seen it in writing, but heard it from an area minnow dealer.

This former 10 pike limit made as much sense as our bonus and antlerless tags had in the past.
I heard new regulations are that you must have 2 smaller pike in the boat before you can keep a bigger one (over 30).

You must have 2 pike under 30 inches in possession before you can keep pike over 30 inches....... EAB for fish? :)
Guys you are all wrong about Mille Lacs, it's not the netting or anything like that.

A recent Star Tribune article says the decease in walleye numbers is due to climate change.:rolleyes: