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the leader board


looks like some members here either lost or had their message and like counts deducted....
I've received PM's asking the same thing. To be honest, I have NO idea what happened if anything.

NOTHING has been deleted here. The worst thing I did was delete a profile picture.

If anything disappeared, it had to be removed by the user. It wasn't removed by anyone that runs the place!

The worst thing I did was delete a profile picture.

I wonder which one that was?????

Maybe a cartoon character making a universal gesture - from the show me state? Just a guess on my part.

I think he got torqued and decided to go play someplace else for the most part.
Maybe it takes his posts away when his account is no longer active? I know there are posts missing in some threads I started
SO there is still a vast amount of knowledge here. It's a free world, some here maybe missed others not so much. If who were thinkin of is gone so be it. I had no problem with him and enjoyed his post & fish stories. But then again is he really gone or just in disguise?
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sandbur is now leading the way in posts and wiscwhip has the most likes. smsmith and MoBuckChaser are still hanging onto the most overall points though.

I wasn't trying to stir anything up by posting this thread and by no means intended for it to be a slam or support against any particular person(s). I was just curious if anybody knew what happened to the previous stat leaders. Thought maybe they caught a "suspension" of sorts and were "fined" like a thousand posts and a hundred likes for unsportsmanlike conduct or something.
The forum doesn't really work like that. Those with the dropping post and like counts are due to them deleting their own posts that have been liked by other people, for whatever reasons they so choose, thus they loose the post and the like from the total. Not sure how the points thing is done, but they apparently aren't affected?
The forum doesn't really work like that. Those with the dropping post and like counts are due to them deleting their own posts that have been liked by other people, for whatever reasons they so choose, thus they loose the post and the like from the total. Not sure how the points thing is done, but they apparently aren't affected?
I think you nailed it. I did a little searching and I found that at the minimum MoBuckChaser deleted all posts on his hunting series thread and smsmith deleted all posts on his land tour/habitat thread. Sad because both were full of good useful information.
sandbur is now leading the way in posts and wiscwhip has the most likes. smsmith and MoBuckChaser are still hanging onto the most overall points though.

I wasn't trying to stir anything up by posting this thread and by no means intended for it to be a slam or support against any particular person(s). I was just curious if anybody knew what happened to the previous stat leaders. Thought maybe they caught a "suspension" of sorts and were "fined" like a thousand posts and a hundred likes for unsportsmanlike conduct or something.
Leading in posts surely does not mean leading in knowledge.
I must have missed something on here over the last couple weeks.
Mo would have been the first to tell someone to not let the door hit them in the a.s when they leave. I guess the same applies to him. I enjoyed most of his post especially themBuckchaser series. He had a lot to offer.

Anyone who takes the time to delete their posts here either has too much time on their hands or is extremely petty.
Mo would have been the first to tell someone to not let the door hit them in the a.s when they leave. I guess the same applies to him. I enjoyed most of his post especially themBuckchaser series. He had a lot to offer.

Anyone who takes the time to delete their posts here either has too much time on their hands or is extremely petty.
I would be careful to not mistake "passion" with "petty". Can Mo be a little abrasive? Sure, but so can a lot of people. Variety is the spice of life, and it is the eclectic group and our combined experiences that make this site great. He has a lot of knowledge and this site is diminished without his participation. I just wish he would "play nice" so he quits getting spanked.;)
I think everyone is reading more into this than they need to. A couple of forum posters didn't like the way a particular situation was handled(you all know what that was and that is their prerogative) and they decided the way they would show their disapproval was to remove posts and information that they had contributed to the forum(also their prerogative). Simple as that I think, remember it happened on the other forum as well. Nothing more, nothing less. I am glad that at least one of them has chosen to start participating again in whatever limited fashion he so chooses:), and we will have to see how this "new guy" from MO pans out, he seems knowledgeable and witty as well.;)
^ I look at it this way: "People may come.....people may go......but the BS around here just keeps a-comming....with, or without us." :)

I think all of us need to step back from the "cyber-world" every now-and-again.....and not get caught up in stuff that may get said out of context.....or inappropriately, for that matter. :D
So, stupid question, is MoLandOwner a stunt double for MoBuckChaser?
Well, there sure is a lot of knowledge in that last post about the names of folks who do or do not post here anymore and why, for a guy who is "new" to the site anyway.;)
Since there isn't any type of quality forum of this nature on the net (to my knowledge) my guess everything will work out just fine.
I personally stopped posting because I would get a smart comment back to me from some people and I didn't appreciate it. I came here and will continue to come here for habitat based thoughts. There is no question on having some fun and good natured humor but some of the language I have seen and the conversations is not family based. I am not a saint by a long shot but I try to keep things family friendly as if my mother would be reading this.