Spraying blue spruce & blue vs norway


5 year old buck +
I got spruce trees all around my property. The 1st year I planted 50, theyre doing pretty good. I have a back row that most died the 1st year, the bag was pretty dry when I got it. did a rerun on the bad row 2 years afterward. about 1/2 made it. I have some bare spots here n there on a few of the trees. Seems to be concentrated in areas of the tree. I have one of the good 1st year 50 run that is totally dead. Needles fell off. Cant see any insect damage visible. A few have is little sap goo here n there on it.

Anything I should be treating them with. My in-laws have 30-40 year old ones doing good for their age and spacing nearby.

Ill try to post some pictures this weekend.

Also, norway vs blue. Grew in in an area everybody just used blue for privacy breaks. so, I kept with it.

I plan on making a privacy break on the food plots at camp by the road. At home, just dont want to see their neighbors. Might endup seeing bucks at daylight with it, but no big deal at home really.
There’s some disease that is killing all the blue spruce in this area. Young and mature trees and I’m not sure if there’s a spray for it. I had a row a blue between the house and road that were 20 years old and they all died. every one I see, even on the golf courses have died. I cut them all down and replaced with Norway spruce. for that reason I didn’t plant any blue spruce out onto the property. I planted over 2000 Norways and they seem to be holding up.
There’s some disease that is killing all the blue spruce in this area. Young and mature trees and I’m not sure if there’s a spray for it. I had a row a blue between the house and road that were 20 years old and they all died. every one I see, even on the golf courses have died. I cut them all down and replaced with Norway spruce. for that reason I didn’t plant any blue spruce out onto the property. I planted over 2000 Norways and they seem to be holding up.

What area are you in?

any info on how they died? I know there a canker they get and a certain insect that gets them too.

I'm in NY hudson valley. got 25 more coming in tonight.
sure looks like it. the one that is dead is near a dainage ditch path. And I am seeing stuff of lower ones mostly.

Copper hydroxide works on it! I spray the apple and cedar trees with that already.

any info on how they died? I know there a canker they get and a certain insect that gets them too.

I'm in NY hudson valley. got 25 more coming in tonight.
No idea what it was other than I see them dead all over. When I was at the local nursery the guy mentioned not to plant any blue spruce as there is a disease killing them. that’s all I know as I never looked into it further. They were very healthy for over 20 years then it took about 2-3 years to kill them. From the bottom up and usually up one side. There was no saving them as they just got too far gone too fast. The trunks looked fine but the needles just turned grey. There were 15 of them about 30 ft tall so I just cut them down and got rid of them. The stumps grind out very easy and you can plant right back in the same spot however I went with a more landscaped look and planted 7 ft Norways up on shaped berms
I have Blue Spruce in my backyard. They are about 25 years old and starting to get sick. I had an arborist out and he told me they were as good as dead already. He mentioned some fungal issue with these trees in our climate in the twin cities.

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I have Blue Spruce in my backyard. They are about 25 years old and starting to get sick. I had an arborist out and he told me they were as good as dead already. He mentioned some fungal issue with these trees in our climate in the twin cities.

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My parent have a ton of 40 year old blue spruce and they have been dying off one by one for the last 10 years.
These little babies are on my ship...... They die from drowning in copper fungal treatment before they dies of fungal cast. MY 8 acre spots used to neighbor a 90 acre orchard. A brother and sister split the land in half. One is just a home, but they have a garden going in next to my hedge row. The other made a hiipe yurt village. $150 to poop in porta potty and sleep in a abandoned van ,shed, or yurt. Probably $200 now. They have a yoga building made from a tractor shed. They have a cease and desist order this year for having an illegal campground. Im sure the tractor shed conversion wasn't building permit kosher or done by a licensed electrician.

So far the fields are more or less fallow. He has a skid steer with a brush hog and a kubota with a batwing mower. There's a 10 to 20 yard bsrush hedgerow buffer between our properties that he owns.

I'm more of a meat hunter than horns. I like horns, but dont sweat it if my buck tag isnt a trophy. I get an easy doe from my yard every other year. Will still make food plots, habitat, and trees long after Im sick of freezing my toes in a treestand though.
As per that link above:

Fungicides with the active ingredient chlorothalonil, copper hydroxide or mancozeb.

Any experience with any of these? I have used bonide copper treatment on apple trees before. Would like to have 1 product for both apple and spruce trees.