PFAS in Biosolid Fertilizers

But you are correct. The first step would be to stop manufacturing it. Then regulate he heck out of what's already here.
From the people who are putting tampons in 4th grade boys bathrooms in Illinois?
Start by running for school board.
You are correct but.. If we don't take this country back our children/grandchildren won't have to worry about any of it.
Back from what ......................... conspiracy theories and insurrection??? LOL. (since you chose to bring politics into this discussion)

Just for sh*ts and giggles - which party ALWAYS votes against environmental protections, and constantly legislates to weaken and de-fund the EPA as well as any existing environmental protections???????????? It's ALL a matter of public record - the Congressional votes are recorded. Doing the correct thing for our environment HAS NOT been their strong suit.
Just for further info on groundwater pollution and how it travels underground ...................

I have a close friend who was the chief of the waterways division in the northern part of my state. (retired now) He told us at a civic group meeting of a case of well water pollution with several dangerous and carcinogenic (cancer-causing) chemicals found in some private residential wells. No local source of ANY kind was found. So the state agency involved (DER - named as such at that time) tried testing a possible source known to have such chemicals on their site. They did so by putting dye into the ground at that location to see where the dye showed up. After several days, the dye showed up in those contaminated residential wells from the test location. The test site was over 22 miles away from the residences with the contaminated wells !! That company's site became a clean-up disaster with taxpayer dollars going to clean up a mess that taxpayers DID NOT cause. Do you favor taxpayers paying for the pollution that some company caused??????? Does that sound smart ............. or FAIR???????? If I own a property near you, and dump PCB's, DDT, formaldehyde, used motor oil, etc. on my site ........................ and you find my chemicals in your well water, do you feel you and the other neighbors should pay for the clean-up of MY site and your wells??????

Or maybe do we think that the polluters - and ONLY the polluters - should pay for the disasters they cause????

The DER waterways chief told the group that water flows under the ground just like it flows on top of the ground in streams. He went on to point out that ground water contamination sourced in one location DOES NOT stay in that one location, or even in the local area where the contamination occurred - it travels great distances.

If one chooses to ignore science, think such experts are full of SH** ------------ and instead choose to believe politicians, with their sole focus on preserving their own cushy "jobs" (?) ............. well you then expose yourself and your kids / grandkids to such environmental ruin. Historically, - again - which political side legislates to weaken environmental laws consistently??????
Back from what ......................... conspiracy theories and insurrection??? LOL. (since you chose to bring politics into this discussion)

Just for sh*ts and giggles - which party ALWAYS votes against environmental protections, and constantly legislates to weaken and de-fund the EPA as well as any existing environmental protections???????????? It's ALL a matter of public record - the Congressional votes are recorded. Doing the correct thing for our environment HAS NOT been their strong suit.
You'd think that we members being lovers of the great outdoors and all it has to offer would stop supporting them.
I have stopped supporting them. I used to some years back - but NO MORE. I don't care which party is guilty of weakening / eliminating environmental protections .............. I WILL NOT support them. It just happens to be the Republican party - now more than ever.

We're the only animal on the planet that poisons / ruins it's own home. And we're the "smartest" animals on the planet ???????? We live in what is basically a terrarium - a self-contained bubble of sorts. Where are we going to go to get away from contaminated air, soil, and water ??????? We ARE trapped here. I state the obvious ...................
I have stopped supporting them. I used to some years back - but NO MORE. I don't care which party is guilty of weakening / eliminating environmental protections .............. I WILL NOT support them. It just happens to be the Republican party - now more than ever.

We're the only animal on the planet that poisons / ruins it's own home. And we're the "smartest" animals on the planet ???????? We live in what is basically a terrarium - a self-contained bubble of sorts. Where are we going to go to get away from contaminated air, soil, and water ??????? We ARE trapped here. I state the obvious ...................
So you are a single issue voter?
Plus air cleaned up 7% more under Trump. And he gave 10 billion to the national parks. Kinda like Dems want "common sense gun laws", well I guess R's probably just want common sense regulations and environmental laws.
Democrat or Republican had nothing to do with Fukushima, nor did they have any say in Russia dumping thousands of barrels of nuclear waste in the ocean. The Paris accord was a piece of paper with no teeth for countries that didn't comply for a cause that amounts to nothing more than virtue signaling. There are many things that are credited to cleaning up our planet like the government selling us recycling plastic that only regulated us to comply with things and made no difference. I could rant for hours on green credits bs that the government reimburses people big money for nonsense.

Anyone that claims Democrats, or Republicans, or any government agency truly cares about what is best for US in any way shape or form is sadly mistaken. They care about themselves and votes and nothing more. Although I am biased to Republicans, it is only because my Independent Party never gains any momentum to gain a big enough status to get more people on board. Why is that? Because Republicans and Democrats hate competition. Us arguing who is better is exactly what they want.

As far as PFAS, what little I know of them, they are considered a forever chemical but is it really forever if there is already known process's that can take them out of soil and waters? I do agree we should look more into stopping the use of these if they are contaminating everything as it seems they are but I admit I don't know much about them or their use.
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I'm coming in late here, but I am in the sewer/waste hauling and treating world as well, however, i'm more on the transportation side.

Troubling thing is, you can't regulate everything being flushed. You also have to treat it and get rid of it somewhere. Septic leach fields are just as big an issue, but what are yougonna do with it? It has to be treated to some degree at least, or else, where does it all go?

It feels like Charlie explaining the mail in "Always Sunny"
The problem is, though you may not use it personally on your place, your tomatoes you get at the store might. Or the hay field that feeds the beef you eat might....

It's a scary world out there and we're all probably gonna die sometime.
I don't think any of us can point fingers at anyone else for pollution. We're all on the grid. Whether the pro-business regs of the GOP cause pollution here, or the anti-business regs of the DFL export our pollution to China, Mexico, and Africa, it's still happening somewhere. Anything we buy from other countries is almost certainly going to be done in a way more harmful way than if it were done here.
not to mention, how many of us here us glyphosate on a fairly regular basis...

I'm not pro-pollution, i just get a kick out of those who draw a line in the sand in 1 thing, but then turn a blind eye to the same line when it conveniences them on other things.

Banning it is not the solution... finding a way to make preventing it worthwhile is...
Trying to find something that works as good without being as harmful is always a step in the right direction.
Trying to find something that works as good without being as harmful is always a step in the right direction.
Agreed. Problem is .................. short term PROFITS are the guiding factor on EVERYTHING. To accomplish the smart, correct thing it will likely cause some temporary pain in some sectors of the public. But what is our option?? We do much of nothing, and expect the problem to go away on it's own. NOT gonna happen. Do we want a healthier environment for us, our kids and grandkids ........................ or some corporation's bottom line to be unaffected?? All the profit in the world isn't gonna do anyone any good if we're dying of cancer, birth defects (that'll cost $$$ millions to care for) failing livers, poisoned / contaminated food, water, etc.

Anyone here ever see a toxic waste site situated in rich people's neighborhoods??? Or next to a country club??? High income zip code areas??? It's NOT a coincidence folks. The people running the polluting businesses KNOW the stuff they're using is dangerous. The toxic waste sites are always in areas populated with poorer people, or right next to "working class" neighborhoods. Are "working class" people expendable in the eyes of the "HIGH CLASS" folks??? You betcha!!!!!!!!

We either take the smart route to reduce or eliminate contaminants (which may create more technical jobs, BTW) - and maybe bite a temporary bullet economically - or continue on the dumb-ass route and suffer with things we need not. Cute sayings and accusations / finger-pointing gain nothing ........................ and is juvenile behavior.

A side note ........... as I write my posts - I have NO anger or hate toward anyone here - or anywhere else. Anytime I use caps - it's only for emphasis - not anger. I'm not foaming at the mouth & seething with anger. I'd just like to see SMART be the route we take on things involving our environment. $$$ Millions in profits get us nowhere if we're in a casket .................. or our kids are.
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not to mention, how many of us here us glyphosate on a fairly regular basis...

I'm not pro-pollution, i just get a kick out of those who draw a line in the sand in 1 thing, but then turn a blind eye to the same line when it conveniences them on other things.

Doesn't gly break down rather quickly in the soil?