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Apple tree fencing

Yes we do have bear, that was going to be my next question with the orange fencing. I might have to strengthen it with some more rebar or something. Hopefully I can get some more wire mesh before then.

Next question, what type of white paint do you put on the base?

Thanks for all the help

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White latex paint, and water it down to make it thin.
What do most of you use to keep coons out of the tree?
What do most of you use to keep coons out of the tree?

Traps and guns.

My adjoining neighbor has a commercial sweet corn business and he works on coons all summer.

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yes ... you need to cut 4" flairs at the bottom of the screen to fold out and cover with gravel. this keeps screen held down.
Or just use a landscape staple. One staple through the excess end is what I've done.
And make sure to use aluminum screen, not the fiberglass variety. Critters just chew right through it.
I fence my apple trees to protect them from deer. Ive lost too many trees to bears to ever believe a fence will deter them. Just try to do the best you can by protecting the lower stem from rodents with window screen or hardware cloth and welded wire or concrete mesh to keep the deer from browsing the upper tree. Within 2-3 years my apple trees wont have any branches lower than 4-5 feet above ground.

Use white Latex paint diluted 50:50 with water. Do not use oil based paints.
Use white Latex paint diluted 50:50 with water. Do not use oil based paints.
Why are we doing this?
I have heard of treating large pruning wounds or storm damage with interior white latex paint to help the tree heal the large wound but why paint the trunks?
Why are we doing this?
I have heard of treating large pruning wounds or storm damage with interior white latex paint to help the tree heal the large wound but why paint the trunks?
For the guys that live in areas that get sun scald bad. The freezing thawing splits bark making cracks that can make bark slip.
For the guys that live in areas that get sun scald bad. The freezing thawing splits bark making cracks that can make bark slip.
yep what H20fwler said, as a side bonus the window screen seems to block enough of the direct sunlight too I rarely have frost popping behind the screen just above it.
Ditto, at least for young trees - 18-24" of doubled wire screen is like suntan lotion. None of our wild older trees get sun scald, and the young trees are all less then ten years old, so the jury is still out. I bought spiral trunk protectors but haven't used them lol.
How often do you need to paint the trunks? Just once at the beginning or every couple years?

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I try to paint mine at planting, then I add screen. I dont think you need to paint them anymore as long as the screen is on there, since the screen blocks some of the sun from hitting it as well. Then after the tree outgrows the screen, I would re apply another coat. This should cover about the first 10 years of the trees life.