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Not always a big fan of Uncle Ted....but he is right...
Not always a big fan of Uncle Ted....but he is right...
cant stand reading his stuff just because of all the added mystical flight of the arrow and all the extra add on bla bla bla.

cant stand reading his stuff just because of all the added mystical flight of the arrow and all the extra add on bla bla bla.
I understand....he can get a bite "out there" with some of his stuff.....but for the most part I agree with the general message he tends to be presenting. Sometimes I think he either is doing or has done some really good or really bad drugs....when it comes to his writing and speaking at times. So yes sometimes the presentation isn't the best.....
The way he acts isn’t an act. A few years ago I flew commercially from Dallas to Philadelphia and he was on the plane seated across from me. I left him alone. Went to baggage claim and he did to. I made the mistake casually saying thanks for standing up for gun rights.

Yikes! He got on a “loud” soapbox about how he won’t ever be silenced and on and on. He ain’t fooling.....he means what he says.
I have a hard time going all in on letting that guy be a mouthpiece for hunters when he wouldn’t know how to kill anything if it wasn’t inside a game fence.
Uncle Ted is a nut but that is what makes him different than the rest. His message aligns with my personal thoughts and beliefs and he does alot for us in the gun rights department. He seemed a lot better composed when he testified in front of Congress (or the Senate I forget which) so I have often wondered if what we see on TV is just a persona he wants to project. Would be cool to hang out with him for a night around a campfire and just chat.
He does offer special hunts on his land, and you get to hang out with him after the hunts. A friend of mine did this, and said he is a really nice guy.
I have a hard time going all in on letting that guy be a mouthpiece for hunters when he wouldn’t know how to kill anything if it wasn’t inside a game fence.
I'll side with imperfect people doing good things over perfect people doing bad things any day.
I'll side with imperfect people doing good things over perfect people doing bad things any day.

This is awesome...Ill be using that quote.
I have a hard time going all in on letting that guy be a mouthpiece for hunters when he wouldn’t know how to kill anything if it wasn’t inside a game fence.

Just like any war or battle ... a few of your guys need to be crazier than the other guys best crazy guys if you want to win. On the football kick-off team, we called them "wedge" busters.
Just like any war or battle ... a few of your guys need to be crazier than the other guys best crazy guys if you want to win. On the football kick-off team, we called them "wedge" busters.
That was me in high school and I loved it. Straight line, full speed, and blow the blocking up. Man I miss 45 I sound like popcorn when I walk so maybe I don’t miss it.
That was me in high school and I loved it. Straight line, full speed, and blow the blocking up. Man I miss 45 I sound like popcorn when I walk so maybe I don’t miss it.
You still break the snow trail pretty good, good guy to follow thru the drifts.