Anyone else need AA classes?


5 year old buck +
Hello, my name is TBT, an I'm an Applleholic

After last weeks all out planting frenzy, I felt a void come Monday when all was said an done.

I think I blacked-out, an when I came to, I found myself at the local conservation district, reciect in hand.

One sweet sixteen an a prairie fire red crabapple were the culprits
But what suprised me the most
2 Evans Bali cherries
Needed a stronger fix I guess.

I need help
Amiditing you have a problem is the first step to recovery right?

Think I might be to far down the rabbit hole at this point! ; )
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I have bitten off more than I can chew, and spent more than I should have.
Ditto. I planted 35 more fruit trees last week bringinging my orchard total up to 96 trees planted in the last 2 years. I’m calling it quits cold turkey with the fruit trees now though.

On to chestnuts/oaks/dogwood/hazelnut planting’s the next few years!
After transplanting 15 trees out of my nursery last weekend, I was about ready to complete step one of AA: Admit there is a problem. Then I walked into my garage and saw 30 new grafts just starting to green up.
i have similar issues with empty RM18 trays

i admit to "the shakes" when not planting.........

You are going to love those Evans Bali cherry trees TBT! I planted 2 of them in 2008 and they grew great and began producing early. We were getting great crops of cherries within 3-4 years...and they made fantastic pies! Not sure what happened but about year 6 they became "ill". They grew fewer and fewer leaves and died within 2 years. I am in Upper Michigan and we had very brutal winters in 2012, 2013 and 2014 but I know these trees were developed in Minnesota and are supposed to be very winter hardy so I think something else got them. Hope you have good luck with yours.





Here is what they looked like at year 5...and I lost them within a year or two after this photo was taken:

Evans Bali Cherry Planted 2008.jpg
You are going to love those Evans Bali cherry trees TBT! I planted 2 of them in 2008 and they grew great and began producing early. We were getting great crops of cherries within 3-4 years...and they made fantastic pies! Not sure what happened but about year 6 they became "ill". They grew fewer and fewer leaves and died within 2 years. I am in Upper Michigan and we had very brutal winters in 2012, 2013 and 2014 but I know these trees were developed in Minnesota and are supposed to be very winter hardy so I think something else got them. Hope you have good luck with yours.

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Here is what they looked like at year 5...and I lost them within a year or two after this photo was taken:

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I have a friend up in USDA zone 3 and his cherry ‘s only lasted a few years.

I have similar experiences with most domestic plums and get one or two crops and the tree then dies.

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I have a friend up in USDA zone 3 and his cherry ‘s only lasted a few years.

I have similar experiences with most domestic plums and get one or two crops and the tree then dies.

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We planted a few of the Baili cherries and they are lasting and fruiting ,,But every year now we get SWD which is a summer fruit fly that lays its eggs in ripening fruit hits cherries , raspberries , blueberries , most wild chokecherries or pin cherries . Has anyone else noticed this problem in their area . Almost impossible to control without heavy sprays at or near fruit ripen
SWD ?? What's that ??
I just ordered ten more trees. :emoji_grimacing:
Over 425 trees and still buying and counting and grafting. I have lots of land but the fencing is expensive lol. Over 100 varieties of apples and 7 different Asian pears
Spotted wing Drosophila. Fruit flies.
Yes ,, Spotted Wing Drosphilia , Major fruit pest from Asia got to our place about 7 years ago , large infestations across all fruit growing regions in north America Its in most raspberry patches the reason you don't hear much about it is the fruit industry does not want the public to know how many additional sprays are used to keep the fruit clean . The first thing small private growers say is I don't have it at my place but in reality they do they are just unknowingly consuming the larva. Look very closely at your ripening fruit they take on a dull not healthy appearance , pick the fruit if the center calix on the raspberry has red juice on it smear the fruit flat on your palm the larva will appear as small maggots . zero tolerance in the commercial setting and most wives would freak out from raspberries from the patch out back good thing no activity on apples
I used to farm Drosophila for my poison dart frogs. They are incredibly prolific. And their genes can mutate significantly in just a few generations. :emoji_worried:
My camp only has so much open acreage - probably a good thing. If I had 100 more acres of open land, I'd hate to guess how many more trees I'd be planting !! On-line or paper catalogs with fruit & habitat trees have me slobbering.
Over 425 trees and still buying and counting and grafting. I have lots of land but the fencing is expensive lol. Over 100 varieties of apples and 7 different Asian pears

I was about to admit to my addition to Apple trees, but then I read Aerospacefarmer’s post above and decided I no longer have a problem cause I’ve only got around 135 Apple trees. Should be able to plant another 10 - 15 next year!!! Already planning next year’s tree order!
Well they r in the ground. Thus ends fruit season 2018.
Will say I like how things are taking shape, now the wait...
Time to shift focus.

On a side note, pulled over 60 ticks off my dog when I got home. Had to bust out the trimmer to give him a buzz to help find em. Used that bravecta stuff, does not seem to be working.
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Over 425 trees and still buying and counting and grafting. I have lots of land but the fencing is expensive lol. Over 100 varieties of apples and 7 different Asian pears

Your my hero. :emoji_laughing::emoji_man_dancing: