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Marestail Control

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
This is a nasty weed that in some forms can be Gly resistant, combining 2,4-D & Gly can improve control but may need additional help.

In addition to chemical control going to try mechanical by discing also.

All of the better herbicides are restricted and require a license for use. How does one obtain a license?

Any other suggestions on marestail control effective herbicides (no license) would be appreciated.
We had a bad outbreak of it last year and hit it hard with Surestart II, which has 3 different groups of chemicals for good residual, and additional gly for more burndown action, but also had liquid uan burning it too. It was turning black before our eyes. Could also add 24D or liberty as stated above. Size of the target weed is important. Kill em small! There are options. Dicamba (in the news alot recently with Extend soybeans) and paraquat which I think is gramaxone. Just use proper rates and read labels well, which you already know. I'd definitely get your pesticide applicator license... habitat guys can make good use of it even just by adding atrazine to their toolbox. Discing works too! Haven't found a weed yet that's resistant to steel. You need the entire toolbox to work on superweeds.
This is a nasty weed that in some forms can be Gly resistant, combining 2,4-D & Gly can improve control but may need additional help.

In addition to chemical control going to try mechanical by discing also.

All of the better herbicides are restricted and require a license for use. How does one obtain a license?

Any other suggestions on marestail control effective herbicides (no license) would be appreciated.

I have a marestail problem. I don't know if it will work, be here is my plan. It can be controlled by 24D Amine is young, but it can resprout from roots and germinate in both spring and fall. Timely mowing before it goes to seed can help, but it can sometimes bounce back and produce seed when small.

I'm waiting for spring green up and will give it a douse of 24D Amine (no glyphosate). After a week or so I plan to do light tillage with a tiller. Enough to disrupt the top inch. I'll wait and watch and hit it again if necessary. In June, I plan to plant buckwheat. Depending on the condition of the field at planting time, I may hit it with gly. My hope is that the buckwheat's canopy keeps it from taking hold. Then come fall, I'll reevaluate the field and spray 24D if necessary. I'll through and mow a cover crop into the buckwheat in the fall.

Depending on the results of this, I may need to use liberty link beans in the future. I don't know if this approach will work, but it is the course I'm on.


My neighbor used Liberty link beans last year and the herbicide they hit the beans with smoked the marestail and pogweed. Like overnight, I was amazed. If things work for me this spring I'll be using this stuff myself. Need to find a local source. Keystone will ship it.

Haven't read up if a special sprayer is needed but someone here mentioned it may be needed.
I have used Stinger with good results.
Alot of farmers are going to liberty link for this very reason because it will kill it.Spray it just like RU,in fact alot of time I will mix RU for grasses.Last year I sprayed Liberty herbicide on RR corn and it didn't kill it but I wouldn't want to do just cause
To your question re:obtaining a liscence

Check with your county extension agent. Mine offered a day long course followed by a test one week later.

I found the course informative and applicable to habitat management

My neighbor used Liberty link beans last year and the herbicide they hit the beans with smoked the marestail and pogweed. Like overnight, I was amazed. If things work for me this spring I'll be using this stuff myself. Need to find a local source. Keystone will ship it.

Haven't read up if a special sprayer is needed but someone here mentioned it may be needed.

Bill ... I don't think a special sprayer is required. Below is the Liberty application guide sheet. Let me know your thoughts?

Liberty application guide
Bill ... I don't think a special sprayer is required. Below is the Liberty application guide sheet. Let me know your thoughts?

Liberty application guide

Thanks Spud,
Looks like my sprayer will work, just need to be sure I have teejet medium droplet size tips per the instructions.


With Liberty it's best to have high water volume. It's all about coverage. It can be finicky and needs the right conditions. It's a contact kill, not systemic like gly. AMS in the tank mix will improve the kill, so keep that in mind with your sprayer.
With Liberty it's best to have high water volume. It's all about coverage. It can be finicky and needs the right conditions. It's a contact kill, not systemic like gly. AMS in the tank mix will improve the kill, so keep that in mind with your sprayer.

Mortenson ... thanks! Pardon my ignorance, what is AMS and how does it help?

Can liberty be mixed with Gly?
Here I just found this article that hits the key elements with Liberty well:

Biggest parts are the right spraying conditions i.e hot, sunny, high humidity. Hit the weeds when they're small. Most effective with 3 lbs/ac of ammonium sulfate. Label I think said 15 gal water but I've heard that 20 or even 25 is better. So if you can spray 20 gal/ac of water, the 3lb rate of ams would have you adding 9lb if you have a 60 gal tank. Don't spray late in the evening or if the night will become cool. I heard once to spray it during bankers hours.

I don't think it mixes with Gly but would need to check on that. For grasses I think usually Select (clethodim) is used in a mix. AMS is a fertilizer and can be hard on sprayer components. It has various benefits depending on what it's being mixed with and what type water you have. I know there are better grades of it for use in conjunction with herbicides. The Nitrogen aspect of it is what Liberty likes.
Mortenson ... thanks! Pardon my ignorance, what is AMS and how does it help?

Can liberty be mixed with Gly?

You probably know this but for anyone reading, know that Liberty herbicide will smoke round up ready crops. It's a completly different strain of GMO crops that can handle Liberty herbicide.
That's a good point, Bill. You sure have to be careful. A lot of the commercial corn has the Herculex gene which tolerates Liberty and Roundup. So there's that option for corn plotters. Beans are where it gets wild. As early as next year, if a guy wants to spend some $, there's supposed to be an Enlist bean that has traits for Liberty, RR, and 24D. And also a bean for Lib, RR and dicamba. Triple-stacked as they say. Dicamba would kill Marestail probably better than 24D, but 24D mixed with Liberty would be pretty deadly. And probably not as volatile as the Extend dicamba beans turned out being last year (lotta lawsuits). It's hard to keep track of it all.
You probably know this but for anyone reading, know that Liberty herbicide will smoke round up ready crops. It's a completly different strain of GMO crops that can handle Liberty herbicide.

Bill ... That is good to know. I am not looking to use for round up ready, just early season weed control. Need to get on top of the Marestail & foxtail that has invaded my AG fields and my switch grass plantings. As I understand SG is not an affected grass.

I can pass on mixing with Gly and use that separately.
Cat ... thanks, looks like Liberty should work. Looking at other options were ridiculously expensive.
Liberty is pretty ridiculously priced, compared to gly, but it sure works!