Too late for 2-4-D?


5 year old buck +
Ive kind of monitored my Switch grass planting all summer and some spots have more weeds and some more grasses. Some of the broadleaf weeds are really thickening up now. Would spraying 24D make any sense now or am i getting too late in the summer?? At what point is it better waiting till next year?

Depends on if they have mature seed or not I mowed some of mine as high as I could
Whats your goal. Mono culture for screen or wildlife friendly.
In my case I had it sprayed in mid July. The sprayer operator was shocked by the height of the giant ragweed, and expressed doubts about the effectiveness of spraying that late. What it did accomplish was to kill a large percentage of both marestail and giant ragweed, and the sick plants that didn't completely die stopped flowering before seed heads formed. The sick plants also are letting a lot more sunshine down onto the switch. Where the grass got more sunshine, it's now about 2-3 feet tall, and putting out seed.
That said, you might have missed your opportunity for this season. Those switchgrass seedlings have a limited number of days to grow this year. I would probably save my money for a pre-emerge application of gly and atrazine next spring.

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Whats your goal. Mono culture for screen or wildlife friendly.

This. A lot of weeds are great food and cover for wildlife.

If you are trying to control warm season plants, you will have a hard time this late in the growing season anyways.

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Thanks fellas. Ill leave it sit. Theres certainly more variety there than I expected! Some areas with switch and much I cant see anything.

Thanks for the comments!